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Worst game that you love anyway.....


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me sneakily steals your pac kong and rewires it with electroshock therapy so every time you play it, it shoots a tazer barb into your ballz, then replaces it in your collection without you knowing.  


You'll thank me later


Thankyou so much the spell of the evil Pac Kong is released!


Zaxxon may not be like the original but its still quite cool and actully Sega even copied it for the Master System version for use with the 3D glasses.

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I gotta chime in here with mad props (as the kids say...) for Airlock too. A friend of mine had it on his Sears II arcade (that lucky SOB) before I ever had an Atari.


I think that I liked it so much because it was a game that I actually had a chance of finishing. In spite of really liking videogames as much as I do, I'm actually quite bad at them. Besides Airlock and Deathtrap, I thikn that the only other game I've ever finished is Parappa the Rapper on Playstation - and that was two days ago!


I also continue to be a fan of Video Olympics and Video PInball. Both of which I bought during the crash for something like 44 cents a piece at Zayre... I think that I paid for them myself. :) I don't have Midnight Magic, so Video Pinball and the original Atari standalone Video PInball are the only ones I've known.


Video Olympics is one of the only games my father would play with me, and is one of the sadly few good memories I have of my old man. Though I've gone a little retrograde in this regard. When the urge strikes for a little Video Olympics Action, I pull out the Pong Ultra IV console.


Oooh - went off a little there. Another game I really love that gets ripped often on these boards is Kool Aid Man. I can't tell you how thrilled I was when I found it in the wild!

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Personally, I've always had a strange fondness for Sneak 'N Peek. Back in the day (in my case, '85), I thought the pseudo-isometric rooms with the weird hyperspatial hiding places were awesome (plus I hadn't had my Atari long, and having anything to play on it was extremely cool ;) ). AFAIK, it's the only hide & seek simulator ever made...


Also, I happen to like the aforementioned Word Zapper, as well as the first two Swordquest games (more because they're extremely weird and trippy than actually fun; see the earlier comment about my Atari) and even Star Fox.

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star fox is pretty widely regarded as an ass kicker of a game...



glad I could help with the pac-kong problem :-)



I love 2600 zaxxon, and stil do. I prefer it to the arcade game and any other port. Might not look as good, but its MORE FUN TO PLAY. and it has a LOT of variety for a 2600 game.


i have 2 admit i had fun with word zapper when I first played, but haven't played it since. same with sneak n peak.


porkys and video pinball are also a lot better than they are given credit for, as is revenge of the beefsteak tomatoes.

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Since I mentioned Airlock I have seen a whole lot of love for it.

I am so happy I am not alone.


I think it's one of the only atari games that causes that fun 'video game panic'. You know the water is moving up a level and you just screwed up the jump over whatever the hell that block / rivot thing is. I remember screaming for the little blob to get up and get running again. That's one crappy submarine... that's all I know.


Of course the game lasts about 3 minutes before you win or lose, but it's a pretty fun game ... for being so very sucky.

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Mythicon's Star Fox. This game seems to be universally panned, but I actually got many hours of fun out of it. It's not much more than a Defender rip-off, true, but for whatever reason, I loved it.


And I still think the space ship icon that appears between turns looks more like a hand giving the bird.

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revenge of the beefsteak tomatoes IS good.   I've seen it slammed many times, but I'm not sure why.   It's really hard to even beat one level, but it seems fair.   I like frantically building a bit of wall and hiding behind it from the evil killer tomato!   !!


I love that game too! But I havent seen people bashing it...although I am somewhat blind :P

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  • 2 months later...

I will say it and not be ashamed..... Pac Man :) I know this game is blamed for the crash and makes the arcade purists choke on their own vomit but I love the 2600 version :D It was one of the first games I had years ago, I loved it then and still enjoy it today, while the graphics were not exactly what people expected I dare anyone to find fault with the gameplay itself, magnifico :)

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Star Ship

Pac Man

Donkey Kong


Air Sea Battle

Night Driver

Video Olympics


When did Air Sea Battle, Night Driver, and Video Olympics become unpopular? :? I must have missed something...


I actually like most 2600 games, or at least find them semi-playable. So if there's any game someone doesn't like, odds are I like it to some degree, for some reason! :D

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I'll second Airlock and Frankenstein's Monster. I actually like swordquest as well, and put in hours as a kid trying to figure them out. I think it would be cool (since we have the answers now) to retroactievly make a bunch of riddles/puzzles that point to the correct solutions, so you can, umm, actually PLAY the things and win. That was why they stunk. There was no logic to the solutions, just trial and error. If someone were to supply the logic, who knows? They might be fun. Dunno why I like 'em.


Maze Craze is one most folks don't like, but is crazy fun multiplayer with gads of options. Good bite-sized gaming!

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