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The 2005 Video Game Summit

Dan Iacovelli

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This is somewhat of a pointless post but I'm pretty excited about coming to the convention this year so I'll post it anyway.


I'm from Illinois and tried to make VGS the last couple years and couldn't (not really any other classic gaming choices throughout the year for us Illinoisians).  This will be the first gaming convention of my life and I've been collecting for 15-20 years so that's saying something.


Thanks for putting this together Dan!



the person you should really thank is inky, if it wasn't for him VGS wouldn't have happned at all. he was the person who wanted to do a get togther in 2003 for us IL

I just followed suit and he helped out a little. the years after the first one Istill do most of the work,but I still give props to inky as a promoter because like Isaid before if he didn't mention anything we wouldn't have anything.


(I've been to a couple ti-faires here in IL when they had it in river grove,IL at triton college and I went to Mars merchandise swap meets in villa park,IL (I miss those) even tried to see if they would consider moving the meet closer to my house in melrose park)

any ways, Ihope to see you there(just look for guy wearing a black vgs cap and white VGS shirt with abunch of tags around his neck running like a chicken with head cut off :D that would be your gracious host )

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Justa quick update: Was going to work on the another schedule change but then I looked at and it's pretty tight,so I figured that looks ok.

Table count so far not a complete sell out but we are two tables short of filling out the walls in the room (just sold another table today(will pay at show))

Re:pizzas will be served at noon instead of 1 or 2pm. got enough for 40 people.

Edited by Dan Iacovelli
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Justa quick update: Was going to work on the another schedule change but then I looked at and it's pretty tight,so I figured that looks ok.

Table count so far not a complete sell out but we are two tables short of filling out the walls in the room (just sold another table today(will pay at show))

Re:pizzas will be served at noon instead of 1 or 2pm. got enough for 40 people.


tommarow is the day at lot of things will be going on.

Hope to see you all there

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I would like all those who came to show,

The tournements(expect for the seawolf one the star wars tourney went a bit long, and the seawolf game was moved to a raffle prize)

I'll try to get pictures up some time this week

(if anybody who took pictures send some to me and I'll add them to mine)

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I'm still working on getting my pics from the show uploaded(been busy at work so I'll try to get them up on sunday since I'm off)

anywho, I just wanted to get the word out that after 3 years of doing VGS on my own I fiannly decied that I would require some help running the show.

so if anybody is interested in helping AVC/JCU run our 2006 show and any future shows please come to the weds chats at the telnet chat room at telnet://www.atarinews.org from 7pm to 9pm (also if your part of the VGS yahoo group the chat will also be in the yahoo chat room in the group)

Thank you

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This is just an announcement before I send out the official Pr in

around the end of this month:

Atari Video Club/Jaguar Community United announced today that our

next show will take place on August 12th,2006 at the FairField Inn

and suites in Lombard,IL (the same location we had it for the past 3


Right now we are looking for people to help with the show.

here are the only parts we need hep with:

1. Advertising: Flier's and/or mentions in the local papers by you.

(the fliers should be similar to the one I did for the past 2 shows)

Also fliers can distributed at certain game stores (or computer users


2. Organization: at this time we basically have two people working on

each side of the show: Corey Koltz from 8-bit classics.com is working

on the Video Game side of the show and Julian Wolf from Suburban

Chicago ATarains users group is working on the computer side of the

show. These guys can't do it alone if you care to help either one of

these fine gentlemen please e-mail me and I'll contact the person you

want to help.

Also to further help: Corey has set up a private section in his forum

at 8bitClassics.com for us to use for the show (I've already posted

the first message which is similar to this) for those who wish to be

part of it first go the forum and register(if you haven't already)

then e-mail Corey at(Corey@8bitclassics.com) and let him know that

you are part of the VGS Event committee so you can post on the

section.I should have more information coming soon about signing up

sponsors and/or vendors.

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