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An Ideal Flash Cart

Great Hierophant

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If I were to design a Flash Cart, I would design it with the following in mind:


A USB connection, 12 Mbps

4 Megabytes of Flash ROM (for storing games)

32 Kilobytes of RAM (for games that utilize extra RAM)

4 Kilobytes of ROM (for the menu program)

8 Kilobytes of Flash ROM (for game information)


Support for the Following Bankswitching Schemes:

00 = 2K/4K Non-bankswitched

01 = CommaVid 2K + 1K of RAM

02 = Arcadia/Starpath Supercharger 6K

03 = Atari 8K F8 + 128 bytes of RAM

04 = Activision 8K FE

05 = Tigervision 8K 3F

06 = Parker Bros 8K E0

07 = UA Limited 8K

08 = CBS RAM+ 12K FA + 256 bytes of RAM

09 = Atari 16K F6 + 128 bytes of RAM

0A = M-Network 16K E7 + 2K of RAM

0B = Atari 32K F4 + 128 bytes of RAM

0C = Megaboy 64K F0

0D = Homestar Runner 64K EF

0E = Extended Tigervision 512K 3E + 32K of RAM


Now, that list of bankswtiching should cover everything important except for Pitfall II. A socket should be provided for those brave enough to destroy a Pitfall II cartridge for its chip (0F.)


4 Megabytes of Flash ROM is about the maximum amount that is available on parallel 5V chips. If you take one good copy of every released game (NTSC or PAL but not both) plus a dump of every playable homebrew and prototype, you will be running up against this limit. The 32KB of S-RAM should be sufficient for any bankswitching format. ROM is needed to hold the basic code to display the menu. I have suggested EEPROM to hold the game names and the bankswitching type in the following format:

Each game can use 14 letters, characters or blank spaces. The 15th byte stores the game's size in 2K increments. (Supports games up to 512K in size) From there the menu program can deduce the beginning of each game in the 4MB Flash ROM. The 16th byte is used to store the bankswitching format. At 8K of Flash ROM that equals 512 entries.


Each screen would list 32 games, for a maximum of 16 screens. With Joysticks, up and down will move in the current page, left and right will move between pages and the button starts the game. For paddles, the first will move in the current page, the second between pages and either button will start the game.

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My addition

I would like to see a flash cart that also loads games from a tape players, so can collect and play starpath games.


Starpath load segments are already available in ROM format, so they could be included in the list of ROMs.


I'd also add the capacity for save states.

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I personaly don't understand the need for a pitfall chip. It can be emulated just fine. Why can't that emulation be made into emulation-on-a-chip like a Pic or Microcontroller, or even if it needs to be an entire daughterboard with a more readily avaialble sound generator and interface. Legality issues aside, I'm sure it could be physicaly done. :ponder:

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I personaly don't understand the need for a pitfall chip.  It can be emulated just fine. Why can't that emulation be made into emulation-on-a-chip like a Pic or Microcontroller, or even if it needs to be an entire daughterboard with a more readily avaialble sound generator and interface. Legality issues aside, I'm sure it could be physicaly done.  :ponder:

Is there a technical description available anywhere ? All I know is, that there is a cool sound chip on Pitfall II. But are there any specifications available where one could see what it does (exactly) ?

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Is there a technical description available anywhere ? All I know is, that there is a cool sound chip on Pitfall II. But are there any specifications available where one could see what it does (exactly) ?

Yes, David Crane's actual patent is available in PDF form from the US patent office. I can't find the link at the moment though. Besides the sample generators for the three sound voices, the DPC also has 2K of ROM with graphics data, that can be read through several pointers. These pointers have auto-increment and auto bounds-checking. So in theory it's possible to recreate the DPC for a multicart. But the chip is so complex that you would need a pretty expensive FPGA or microcontroller to emulate it. That's the reason why the Cuttle Cart 2 has no support for the DPC, BTW. It's design wouldn't have fit on the FPGA, that Chad was using, and a bigger FPGA would have cost much more and be more difficult to fit on the small CC2 cartridge board.



Ciao, Eckhard Stolberg

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The Pitfall II chip has three square wave generators for sound in its chip, but how does that sound get from the cartridge to the 2600's audio output? The Atari 7800 had a pin on the cartridge connector to accept extra sound from a cartridge, but the 2600 has nothing like that. Also, it has three random number generators. What exactly are they for, because there is very little that is random about the game?


The Cuttle Cart II has a socket for a POKEY, I don't see why this hypothetical cart couldn't have a socket for such a chip. After all, no 2600 cart ever used a POKEY.

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The Cuttle Cart II has a socket for a POKEY, I don't see why this hypothetical cart couldn't have a socket for such a chip.  After all, no 2600 cart ever used a POKEY.


The 7800 added signals to the cart port which the POKEY chip audio comes through. Unless this cart were for the 7800, that chip would be a deadend.


The DPC audio is fed to the TIA chips one line at a time through the actual kernel. I think most of the Pitfall II kernel is just load/store operations. The DPC chip moves the pointers forward.

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