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wild finds!


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I was out thrifting for some work pants and found some gems.. actually.. a pretty big haul, but I picked through and left some behind for my fellow richmond collectors.. who have been notified... amazingly enough.. they were all priced at $2.95 per little baggy, each containing 2 games...

except one game all by its lonesome. same price though...

it would appear that the manager knew what he was doing and placed some commons in with some potential rareties.. and the one cart by its lonesome looked so bizzare it was priced by it'self

that game was frog and flies, by mythicon and its only a 2 on the guide.

heh... go figure..

so lets see what I grabbed here huh?

telegames 27 target fun

combat.. of course

freeway red label

yars revenge ( I just needed that one )

swordquest fireworld silverlabel

Sorcerer by mythicon

and you allready know..frogs and flies...


not a bad little haul

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Frogs 'n Flies is M-Network.  Mythicon only did Sorcerer, Firefly and Starfox.  And I would have left Combat, unless it was in a baggie with a less common game (which is pretty much any other game) :-)

yeah..combat was with swordquest...

and .. yeah..messed up on frog and flies in my original post, ment to say M-network.. I really really did!


this thrift is usually pretty good hunting actually.. its independant and not as corrupt as the salvation army and whatnot

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  • 2 months later...

Found a wild Big Sexy at a flea market today, with 2 original 1977 sticks (no hex discs) and a pair of 1977 paddles, and the "curved black" heavy sixer power pack variant. Also a bunch of loose common games including a #text "01combat" and a few manuals. Need to test everything then it will be for sale.

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