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2 questions for a begineer collector


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I only been collecting for a few weeks and I had some good finds, but I got two questions.


1. I had a ton of Missle Command carts. I noticed that on some carts that the label writing is in Upercase and some it is lowercase. When collecting do you keep one of each or not?


2. I got 3 Astroblast carts today as part of a whole box I was buying. I noticed that the 3 Astroblast carts were made in a differant part of the world. Do you keep all 3 or just keep one for collecting?


Thanks :)

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Some people collect label variations and some people don't. With such small variations as you are speaking of on such common games i dont see much need in keeping them. If you can trade them away for some other common games you don't already have that would be the thing to do.

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You can keep what you want to keep. :)


I would not keep those variations. I'm not that into the minor label variations. There are a few cases where the label is an entirely different color, or some altered artwork. Some games have both text & artwork variations, some people collect these. But there are thousands of small variations copyright dates, upper/lower case, font changes, border color changes, label quality changes, from cheap paper, to high-gloss finish. Lots & lots of small differences. You can keep if they interest you, but I prefer to have unique titles in my collection.

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I only been collecting for a few weeks and I had some good finds, but I got two questions.


1. I had a ton of Missle Command carts. I noticed that on some carts that the label writing is in Upercase and some it is lowercase. When collecting do you keep one of each or not?


2. I got 3 Astroblast carts today as part of a whole box I was buying. I noticed that the 3 Astroblast carts were made in a differant part of the world. Do you keep all 3 or just keep one for collecting?


I think the issue a lot of collectors have is just that there's so much stuff out there in terms of quantity that you will run out of space real fast for these sorts of minor variations. Unless you've got a warehouse somewhere that you'd like to store everything, I think you will pretty quickly decide that it's just not worth having multiple copies of every game.


Everybody's different, though. Some people might want to collect a broad range of stuff, some might want to have every single version of Missile Command ever released and nothing else. It's really up to you.


I think it's safe to say, though, that most collectors give up on minor label variations pretty quick because it just gets tedious and tiresome, and when you discover that your shelves or drawers or tupperware buckets are 100% full of multiple copies of the same common games, you pretty quickly say "screw it, time to put some auctions together".

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I have both versions of Missile Command in my collection.  I think it's a neat variation.


I don't collect variations based solely on where they were manufactured.


Missile Command has 3 variations. There is one where the main label is in Upper Case, but the end label is in lower case.



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I have both versions of Missile Command in my collection.  I think it's a neat variation.


I don't collect variations based solely on where they were manufactured.


Missile Command has 3 variations. There is one where the main label is in Upper Case, but the end label is in lower case.




This is the main reason I don't collect these variants. Crazy anal retentive collectors! :P Nothing personal Phil hehe :wink:

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There is one where the main label is in Upper Case, but the end label is in lower case.


Is there a standard picture label configured like that? I have a re-release (1986?)Missile Command with an upper case end label and lower case main label, but if there is a standard picture label like that, then I still need it.


I have standard label Video Pinball in all three styles, but I don't have a re-release Video Pinball. Do you know what style that one is?

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I don't actively pursue variations, but if I come across one in a lot of games or something, I can't bring myself to get rid of it. And yes, I have Korea and Singapore versions of Astroblast.


Not really an answer, but keep them if you like them. Personally, the difference between upper case and lower case is not really interesting to me. I keep text/picture variations, but I don't look for the minute.

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I have a take on this and I'm sure I'll be tared and feathered for it...


It seems to me that the reason that a lot of people would have a tendancy to collect label variations in the first place is the nature of the 2600's library of games.


Look at how many games were released by two or more companies? Those releases could be considered by some to be label variations, some would see them as a different released game (I do), and some would see it as both.


So, I guess my real question is, what is the fun in collecting multiple versions if the only difference is a spelling error or a different color font? Seems redundant to me.


I wanted to state that I don't think collecting for different companies is redundant simply because the 2600 has so many companies to collect for AND there is usually different artwork on the labels when a game is released by two unique companies. For example, Sears and Atari, Coleco and Atari.


But you can keep your text and color label variations. Those descrepencies are for the birds.

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End label case variations are pretty common among a number of picture label Atari carts. Ditto for copyright variations on M-Network carts. Those would fall under the category of minor label variations. I collect label variations, but only major ones for the most part. I'll collect minors if I find them interesting or significant in some way, but there are just too many minors for me to bother with. There are something like 17 label variations for Combat alone when you count all known minors. I'm not quite that OC. :)

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With Missle Command carts you can collect the two different versions... the one with the Easter Egg in it and the one that was edited. I'm not sure when the Easter Egg was removed but there are at least 2 actual different programs out there! Now as for labels... I dunno. I like the picture labels... that's what I like. The text labels are likely more rare as they were the originals.


Bottom line... if you're buying the games... make sure you play them! That's the best part! I recall a comic shop owner telling me over 20 years ago that collecting is addictive and doesn't really become fun until you start to actually read the things! It is soooo true!

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Oh no - I guess I am an official obsessive-compulsive :) . I just checked and I have 5 Space Invaders carts: Atari picture, Atari text, Atari red label, Sears picture, and Sears text. I consider these major label differences and worth collecting because anyone can see that they are different from a quick view. Text color, Uppercase vs. lowercase lettering, where manufactured, etc. are minor label variations to me and I don't bother.

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I think the older, text labeled carts are worth more, but I personally like the newer, picture labels (newer being relative, of course). When I have one of each version of a game and try to decide which to get rid of, my brain gets into a fight with itself and I can never decide. So to answer your question, I have tons of "pairs" (is what my wife calls them) of games with upper/lower end labels, etc.


Stupid brain.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love label variations. I currently have 4 Combats: Text # with red outline on the end label, Text, Picture, and Tele-Games Text (is there a picture label for that?) and I'm looking for a Text # with a silver end label outline (damn my inability to get that one off my mind!). I won't get variations that require a scanning electron microscope to see, though. Just buy the carts you want and nothing more.


I currently have multiples for these games besides Combat:

2 Star Ships

3 Indy 500s

2 Air Sea Battles


I don't have a huge collection (30 carts), but hey, all things take time and game collecting is really fun anyway.



Yes, that stupid brain we have.

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