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Commodore 64 30-in-1 on sale at KB Toys for 10 dollars


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Opinions are fine, of course, but it seems like you're stating your opinion as some sort of absolute fact


Oh hush your mouth MacbthPSW!! Dont you know the world revolves around Nova, his opinion and his pseudo facts and stats and how they pertain to this hobbie!!


The fact is the stick was worth the $30 dollars for a lot of people (Like me), and it'll be more worth it for $10 in spite of the products minor short comings, which to normal people can be overlooked. In fact I may just pick up a spare at that price.


Here's an absolute fact.. Little bitches have trouble overlooking minor stuff.

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This product also renewed my interest in these old (great) games.

While researching what games I'd like to see in a multi game stick I realized how many super games the C-64 had.


Unfortunately I can't recall how many of them depended on keyboard use. I'm sure some of them wouldn't work on the stick because of that. In the end I plan on breaking out the ol C-64 and disk drive and giving the old games a go. The biggest selling point for me was the convienience. I can now play some of those great C-64 games without lugging all the equipment with me. Those disk drives aren't exactly light.

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While researching what games I'd like to see in a multi game stick I realized how many super games the C-64 had.


Unfortunately I can't recall how many of them depended on keyboard use.

A number of the games on the current C64 30-in-1 used the keyboard quite a bit, and the game's code was modified to make use of the stick + 5 extra buttons. For example:


Jumpman Junior: The # of players (1-4) and speed of play (1-8) was chosen by pressing the appropriate key before.


Sword of Fargoal: Had about 8 or so different key presses. This was changed into a combo system - hold down the A or B button, and then push the stick in one of 4 directions. Not really intuitive, but it works if you have the instructions handy.


Summer/Winter Games: Players typed in their name in the original, while the DTV version uses joystick up/down to select letters, and left/right to move the cursor.


Many of the games have modifications like this, so it should be possible on most other games too, though whether it'll make the game unplayable (Infocom C64 stick anyone?) is another matter.

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There's already a few mini-games and easter eggs that you can access on the stick:


DTV Secrets Summarized


And yes you can load up any C64 game, the only think is you have to hack into the DTV and solder a keyboard and disk drive to it:


It's really cool that there are already that many people out there who are hacking into this item and unleashing its potential. I got a kick out of the person who put it in a computer shell. It's even cooler to see that the developer of this handheld made it with this idea specifically in mind.


I was one of the unlucky ones who spent $30 + for my controller. Despite that, I think that this was worth every penny. I wasn't crazy about all the half games present in the system, but there are quite a few games in there that are great titles.


Since reading this thread, I've picked up 3 more for myself as well as a few for some friends and plan on doing some experimenting with it. This is the sort of retroconsole we were all hoping for in the flashback when it was first released. Had Atarigrames created a dedicated piece with add on potential and used actual Atari circuitry instead of going the cheap and easy way with the Nintendo on a chip, many of us would be tapping into the potential of that machine as well. Hopefully, somewhere down the road Atari on a chip or something along the lines of the C64 DTV will come out, either from this community or from some corporate entity.


As far as my personal impression of the hardware itself, I find the two big buttons a little sticky, but other than that, haven't noticed any significant differences between this and a classic Competition Pro controller. Does anyone have a solution for the hard button problem? I was thinking of tracking down a few broken Comp Pros for parts and making a few basic modifications to make the buttons more responsive. I wonder if anyone has compared the controller itself (not the computer, just the actual controller) to an original Competition Pro controller yet?

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Let's clarify a few things for those of you who are actually interested in the stick, ignoring the useless pussy who seems to just enjoy following me around and spouting random insults.


As I started, this item is a value at $30 and a steal at $10. We all gave it the praise which it is due for being an ingenious design which for once isn't the simulated, inauthentic crap we've become accustomed to. We all give the praise its due for pulling some of the best Epyx games out of the dustbin. All great stuff.


Now, what's wrong with also recognizing the flaws in this product? Am I the only one who found many of the games to be shit? Clearly not. Am I the only one who doesn't trust the joystick/buttons? Some of you had a broken one out of the box.


So my review is that this is a great product and a must-have, but it's not perfect. What the fuck is wrong with that? Are you all so weak and full of shit that you must give praise and smiley faces to everything that panders to your hobby? If so, that's your problem and you deserve what you get for it. If I ask someone about a product, I want to hear all the pros and cons. Are you all saying that you don't?


Disagree with me all you want, everything comes down to opinion. But the many of you who indicated that I had to business to express mine are out of line.

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Hi there!


If you visit lemon64 you'd find that nearly all these games have a sizeable number of fans.


That's absolutely true, here's the games with ratings of 7.0 or higher:


Championship Wrestling  7.0

Cyberdyne Warrior       7.3

Cybernoid               7.3

Cybernoid 2             7.3

Eliminator              7.0

Firelord                7.5

Gateway to Apshai       7.5

Impossible Mission      8.1

Impossible Mission 2    7.7

Jumpman Jr.             7.5

Paradroid               8.0

Pitstop 2               8.0

Rana Rama               7.8

Speedball               7.5

Summer Games            7.8

Super Cycle             7.4

Sword of Fargoal        8.5

Tower Toppler           8.0

Uridium                 7.4

Winter Games            8.2

International Karate    7.9

Zynaps                  7.1


BTW: Is there any news on a release date of the PAL version?




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That's absolutely true, here's the games with ratings of 7.0 or higher:

Thanks for taking the time to find that info - funny how Fargoal is at the top of the list! :)


BTW: Is there any news on a release date of the PAL version?

Latest rumours are an Easter-ish release... late March, early April.

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I love mine...the controls are great, I love everything about it (although I wish I could still have Barrel Jumping and Cliff Diving from World Games). Although the addition of Eliminator (one of my top 5 all time C64 games) made up for it.


I also thought of some of the games I would love to see on this...since I don't have originals anymore:



10th Frame

Leaderboard Golf

Skate Rock

Stunt Car Racer


maybe I need to hack the extra one I got...

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I haven't had a C64 (like I mentioned) but Super Cycle is one of my favorites on this thing... surprised it wasn't mentioned other than in Cybergoth's copy of what was at Lemon 64.


Anyway, I'll agree that the build quality on these aren't the greatest, but it's not terrible. My major complaint is that the stick goes to the left or right too easily when you hold up.

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I'm planning two or maybe three modifications to my DTV:


1. Switchable power socket. Plug in 5v and it disables the line from the batteries.


2. DB9 socket with all the lines for plugging in an Atari joystick.


3. another DB9 socket with all the connections for the keyboard and the disk drive. In a separate box I will have the sockets for the keyboard and the disk drive.


How's that sound?


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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I'm planning two or maybe three modifications to my DTV:  


1.  Switchable power socket.  Plug in 5v and it disables the line from the batteries.


2.  DB9 socket with all the lines for plugging in an Atari joystick.


3.  another DB9 socket with all the connections for the keyboard and the disk drive.  In a separate box I will have the sockets for the keyboard and the disk drive.


How's that sound?


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA


Sounds like something worth posting pictures of when you're done. :D

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I was out of town today on business and i found a mall...went in to KB Toys and sure enough...$14.99 on a table right in the front of the store...asked the lady to check the price...rang up as $10...so I finally found one...lol...played it for about an hour or so tonight...pretty cool...can't wait to hack it. I picked up two, one to keep and one to hack...for $10 you can't go wrong...this is the best of these systems on a stick by far.


I also noticed thay had a Madden 95 unit and a Sega 2 which is red instead of blue and has Sonic 2 on it and all that sort of thing.

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I'll defiantly get one of those and do the disk and keyboard hack. For once I could have a "laptop" by having a breadbox C64 gutted, fitted with the disk drive (minus the armored RF plate, I'll use tin foil for RF shield) and the 30-in-1 board inside. I'll probably have to replace the stock power supply inside with something smaller and more efficient so it won't be so hot either. (or as heavy)


Not sure if I'd actually finish it though but to play Ultima series without the bulky drive or the mess of cables would be nice. Playing them on a tiny PocketPC screen isn't the same at all.

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ScooterB23 did me a huge favor by picking up one of these recently and mailing it to me at cost -- thanks bro!


I was and am a huge Commodore fan, so I've been dying to get my hands on one of these joysticks. Without giving a complete review, I'll just add these comments.


@joystick quality: I don't really see the problem here. I'd rate it as good, but not great. As a kid growing up with a Commodore 64, all I ever had was crappy hand-me-down Atari sticks anyway, all of which were missing the black rubber piece. I guess when I think of Commodore, I think of cheap joysticks anyway. This didn't really bother me.


@game selection: A little odd. There were some good games, but some of the choices were downright odd (specifically the Californa Games/World Games events). I would have rather seen BMX from California Games than all the other events they provided. My second fav from CG was Hackey Sack. It's liked they picked the three lamest events and used those. :/ Paradroid alone makes the stick worth the price of admission for me, with Uridium being a close second. Good times.

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"Not only is it the real thing, but it was designed so that you could take it apart and hook up a keyboard and disk drive."


Pointless. Why bother when you could just as well get a actual C64 and a disk drive for it off of eBay? It would probably be cheaper than wasting the money to adapt a disk drive and keyboard to a toy.

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