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I bought an Atari 2600!


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Hi, I bought an Atari 2600 from ebay, and it should arrive this week! I havn't played an Atari 2600 in 19 years. I got the idea when i bought the flashback unit, even though the flashback was fun and brought back memories, the games seemed rushed and they were alittle different. The Atari 2600 from ebay is the heavy sixer that i had in the mid 80's! This is the best website about Atari i have seen online! Will i have problems hooking it up to my TV? I hope the Atari 2600 gets more popular again over time. I don't like the new video games.

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Congrats on joining the ranks and welcome to AA! We're a motley crew (not to be confused with the 80s hair band) but we're a good sort. Mostly. :-)


No, you probably won't have too much in the way of trouble hooking it up. You may want to get yourself a Coax-to-RCA adapter for improved video quality and ease of connection (just plug it where your cable goes), but other than that you'll likely be set.


Of course, now comes the fun part: The obsessive collecting of all the games you had as a kid, and all the games you could never afford/parents wouldn't buy you. :-) It's fun, though, even if it can get rather rediculous the money you spend on the hobby. But then, we act as a support group, too ... except we encourage the habit rather than try and keep you sane. :-)

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Just curious if you'd be willing to post a link to the auction you won? I posted a bunch of links earlier in the week to auctions advertising heavy sixers that weren't. I don't know how much you care about this, but you might want to know if what you bought is really a "heavy sixer" or just a regular six switch model.

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Hello, my name is Dave and I'm an Atariholic


*Hi Dave*


I was once like you. About a year and a half ago I picked up a 2600, almost on a whim. I wanted to play the games that entranced me as a child. Now, I have about 140 different games, not counting label variations...




Oh, how they taunt me.

"But I already have Enduro. Why do I have to spend more just to get a duplicate just because it has a blue label?" I ask myself.


"No, it's different," My Atari says back to me.

So I buy.


And why can't I bring myself to open sealed games? I have a sealed Solaris. Now, I've never played Solaris, and I never will unless I find a loose cart because I just can't bring myself to STAB that poor shrink wrap.


Run, While you still can. Or should I say...


Join us...

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Thanks for the replys. I can't wait to get it! I don't reall know if it's a heavy sixer, i just thought since it has six switches that it's a heavy sixer. Atari's alway's seemed big to me. Here is a link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dII?ViewI...item=8154985458 I hope it works. If not i could e-mail the pic to you. I'm being really impatient to get the atari! The seller mailed it out friday so it should be here any day now. It comes with 12 games.What is standard flat rate shipping? Thanks.

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Your link didn't work for me, but "Standard flat rate shipping" is ebayese for "This is what I am charging to ship and I don't give a lick how much it actually costs or anything, sucka!!!"


If you're new to ebay, you'll find that a lot of sellers do that. Just always remember to check the shipping and factor that in when deciding how much you're willing to bid on an item.


A $3 game is fine until you see the $7.95 shipping and handling.

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A $3 game is fine until you see the $7.95 shipping and handling.


How ironic. I asked about shipping two games from one seller this afternoon and he quoted me $5.50. (Bogus, but whatever) I end up winning just one. The invoice? $7.50 shipping.


Naturally that got my 'Was that a joke?' response...

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Thanks for the replys. I can't wait to get it! I don't reall know if it's a heavy sixer, i just thought since it has six switches that it's a heavy sixer. Atari's alway's seemed big to me. Here is a link:    http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dII?ViewI...item=8154985458                                                                                 I hope it works. If not i could e-mail the pic to you. I'm being really impatient to get the atari! The seller mailed it out friday so it should be here any day now. It comes with 12 games.What is standard flat rate shipping? Thanks.


Well, I can tell you that it isn't a heavy sixer, but at least you got a few decent games to start you down the path to obsessive Atari collecting. :-)


As Dave already pointed out, "Standard flat rate shipping" is "I'm going to pick what it will cost to ship to the furthest reaches of North America and charge you that even if you live next door, and don't even ask to pick it up"


As a marketplace, eBay is a world unto itself, and by and large it's populated with the sort of people who'd nickel and dime you by discretely padding whatever charges they can in ways they couldn't get away with in normal society. Oh, not that there aren't good sellers out there -- I can name dozens I've had nothing but good deals with and tend to buy from them whenever possible -- you just gotta learn the game, and the game's got a lot of annoying rules you just don't have to deal with in polite society. Or Queens.


But enough about ePay. Welcome aboard and don't plan on turning off your TV anytime soo. :-)

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Thanks for the replys. I can't wait to get it! I don't reall know if it's a heavy sixer, i just thought since it has six switches that it's a heavy sixer. Atari's alway's seemed big to me. Here is a link:    http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dII?ViewI...item=8154985458                                                                                 I hope it works.


As Mindfield pointed out, not a heavy sixer but then it wasn't advertised as one. So it's cool. I would have felt bad if you'd been one of those poor sucke... er, poor "guys" who'd won one of those auctions I posted a few days ago specifically advertising systems as "heavy sixers" when they weren't.


Nothing wrong with a regular system, though; they all play games the same way. "Heavy sixers" are pretty much only prized by the real anal-retentive collectors out there anyway; those who care more about the year of a system's production and the thickness of the plastic than the quality of the games. (I'm saying that self-deprecatingly, because that describes me sometimes, I admit... and I have a heavy sixer.)

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Not a bad buy, and $15 shipping is not bad at all, but I didn't see the switchbox to connect to the tv in the lot... did I miss it? If it doesn't have one, don't worry, we can hook you up cheap.


The problem with an auction like this is that nowhere did it say the thing worked. My guess is that at least one joystick will need new switches and the paddles will jitter, but again, we can help you out with that stuff, and who knows, you may get lucky and everything works perfect.

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The seller said that he bought it from ebay and he had it only since sep' 04. So, he said he put the games on the TV to hook it up an realized it needs an adapter, so he figured to sell it because he won't have time to get an adapter. So, he doesn't know if it works.

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The seller said that he bought it from ebay and he had it only since sep' 04. So, he said he put the games on the TV to hook it up an realized it needs an adapter, so he figured to sell it because he won't have time to get an adapter. So, he doesn't know if it works.


No time to get an adapter? Sounds more like he tried it and it didn't work. Not for him, at least.

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