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Female Atari Addicts


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Just curious... Are there any female Atari lovers that post here? The board seems saturated with guys...But you never know because of the names dont always convey gender. Would be interesting to get a females perspective on the whole Atari experience when they were growing up. Or guys do any of you're girlfriends like/love/loath Atari??? Mine loves to WATCH me play video games...Mostly Newer ones tho...I never even tried to break out the Atari and play with her that I can remember. Might have to try that this week-end.

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Originally posted by moycon:

...But you never know because of the names dont always convey gender.


I made that mistake recently. I learned that no matter what the name, don't guess.


I imagine my alais doesn't convey my gender either, so for anyone wondering I am a man



Originally posted by moycon:

Or guys do any of you're girlfriends like/love/loath Atari???


My wife Melinda loves the Atari. She makes me play a few rounds of Atari Bowling before she goes to sleep, just about every night. On her days off from work she is often found playing various other Atari games

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Originally posted by Joel D. Park:

Yep, it's true, in real life I'm a big flannel wearing Chicken. But I am a Male chicken, so I guess I'd be a rooster then.


Well your Avatar is of a rooster, so your fine.


Without trying to sound too much like a farm boy, chickens with a flap of red skin on the top of their heads are roosters. Ths flap of skin is called a comb and stands straight up.


Female chickens, hens, usually do not have any type of comb on their heads. If they do it is very small, more like a bump.


Of course you can tell roosters also by their tail feathers, spurs the fighting claw on the back of their legs, etc.


Enough about chickens..

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Mine's a bit ambiguous, but I am male.

My girlfriend, Kate (who also goes by the name Liveinabin on messageboards) loves playing Atari and is WAY better than me at Pitfall (she was the first one to figure out to run to the LEFT!!).

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