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Female Atari Addicts


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Damn, it's too bad there aren't more girls into video games... it would make this hobby a lot more interesting My best friend's girlfriend Echo is into Video Olympics, Patty likes pretty much all the Mario games (including Mario Kart), Karlin likes California Games (Though only for the BMX event I think), and they all love Dr. Mario.


(Oh, and I too am I guy... In case it wasn't obvious)



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Originally posted by Joel D. Park:

Hehe, I myself, am a farm boy, but we never did have any chickens. Just Cows. :-)


Well if you can admit it, so can I-- I too am a farm boy


We had usually around 2 - 3 dozen hens and a rooster at all times. My grandpa use to have a 80 acre farm, and I helped out growning corn. He also had about 50 head of cattle usually, and I got to help feeding them, checking the fences, stacking hay in the barn, etc.


The weirdest thing I had to do was help a cow deliver her calf. The calf got twisted and stuck while coming out, so me and my grandpa had to get it out. Had to use the John Deere and some chain on that one, no way we could do it by hand-- I know because we tried pulling the calf.


Anyway the mother and her calf survived.


I've also helped with goats, pigs (mean old sows), and etc.


I even worked at my local Farm Berau Co-Op selling lawn grass, farming chemicals, and finaly down at the feedmill. I ended up leaving when I joined the Army, full-time no reserve here. I wanted to do it all the time


Well enough about that.. So I don't sound like a complete backwards farm boy, I program in Perl and Qbasic computer languages, repair PC's, I am a reformed ex-member of a computer software cracking group (Vice President of the ACC), etc..


Hmm... that's enough

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Originally posted by Atari-Jess:

most dudes hate the duck hunt dog, what cha gonna do?


I can't remember wether it was a flash game, or a hacked NES rom... but I found a version of Duck Hunt a while ago where the birds were gone, and you just shot the dog when he popped his head up... kinda nasty (blood and all if I remember), but it sure was satisfying after having him taunt me for all these years...


Anyone got the link? I'm pretty sure it was a flash game



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Originally posted by Burgel:

I am a female, but I rarely post. There is nothing I can contribute to the board, so I just lurk.





EVERYONE has something to contribute something, Elizabeth. We would all be better for your input on this board.


Ambassador Stan

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Amen Stan! I get tired of hearing the stories of guys reminiscing about their pre-pubescent years. It would be nice to hear from a female poster how Atari affected them growing up. Did they play all the time? Did they hang at the local arcade and kick ass at centipede? Did they get interested later on. Did they used to play Atari in the nude? Any interesting stories involving joysticks!! Errrr Ok I'll stop now...Im at work. But seriously I dont know many girls who are into VideoGames enough to actually hang out on an Atari board, and think it would be cool to hear their stories. Anyone agree?

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well at least they make you laugh more than an "interesting stories involving joysticks!" adventure ever could. at least I would hope it would.


Atari-Jess: "stupid ass grabbing robots"


Kinky Girl: "stupid short joystick"


what one is funnier?


now mind you stupid short joystick is used in a sence that the kinky girl cant play her atari very well using a short joystick nothing sick like you perverts would think of... yes, that will do quite nicely... i mean... yep, thats the one!

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WHAT!!! You cant say **** either!!!??? I demand to be able to post the word ****!!!


**** -


• a genus of the family Hominidae that includes all modern humans and fossil species except Australopithecus; present grades are H. habilis, H. erectus, H. sapiens neanderthalensis, and H. sapiens sapiens.


Whats up with that!!????

Now not being able to say **** ***** ***** ********** **** ***** **** **** that I can understand...but ****? Man O Man

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