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Female Atari Addicts


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hey crosbow, i am getting afraid too ....


remember the postings about "converted" programmers who cutted 'it' off .....


i wait for the first post sounding like ..... "hello. my name is janette and i am a big female atari fan. in the 80ies my name was jonny and i used to programm games ...."




no but serious ..... LADIES, WHERE YA AT?

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NE1 AIN'T NO GIRL. [/neanderthalmode]


Look at his profile .. engineer, 31 yrs old, like games & guitar (gulp, that sounds like me!) ... definitely male.


And then you got that avatar thing ...


Digital Press's forum's got the girlz ... a few even showed some skin now & then ... not that I, being married, actually saw those pictures.

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Yes Yes I agree...We need these photos pronto... I will personaly memorize these pictures once obtained and if I ever see these women on the street I will tell them to start posting at Atari Age so we can all hear their experiences with Atari/video games growing up.

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One of the guys who used to write for Atarinvader along time back used to play strip Atari 2600 Blackjack with his lady friend, and apparently she loved it.


Man thats the woman of my dreams. I bet she cooks real well too!


*disclaimer: the above is a joke*


But hey if there's some fine honeys lurking on this board, then maybe we can hook up and play some...games.

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No pictures for you! [/picturenazi]


Actually, Darelia had her pix at her site which is now no more (I think).


Lee Furie's tatooed bare hiney picture was a bit cropped (by DP himself) so you kinda had to use your imagination ... being married of course I did not use my imagination.


Isn't it funny how a fellow (female) poster's nudie pic is worth more than all the porn in china?

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There used to be a site that had like the Atari-pet or Atari-babe of the month..Or something like that. I don't remember the name of the site..I dont believe Ive seen it around for awhile, anyways Im gonna see if I can coax some girls into playing strip Soul Calibur this week-end. DAMN we are freaks!!! Oh well I guess we'll never hear a womens views on Atari now.... Quick, Everyone edit their posts. Don't include the words: strip, nude, joystick, or ****!

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duck hunt i love that game haha sorry i just had to fall in to that stereotype actually im depressed now i have to change my title as the only gamer chick ugh that makes me mad thats my title at school hehe yeah im the girl who hangs out with all the geeky boys and talks about video games (funny though they all make fun of me when i bring up old school stuff) so we usually talk about how much we hate xbox

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