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Female Atari Addicts


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well to tell you the truth stan my love for video games has turned me into one of the guys they talk about and no guy wants to date another guy female or male (yes i know that makes no sense)


and no i dont have any interesting joy stick stories sorry


[ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: Jun Kazama ]

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trust me, Jun. It makes no difference, some guys actually find tomboyish girls more attractive (that is not indicative of anything). Think about Facts of Life. While Blaire was clearly the beauty queen of the shoe, Jo was always the hottest one of the bunch....

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True True Tom-Boyish girls are hot cuz they can hang better. My girl-friend is somewhat a tom-boy and my best-friend is to. Not that they look like boys mind you. They wear bikinis to the beach, carry purses..(well one of them does, wear make-up (light) But they can both toss back beers all night, and watch horror movies, and yes even watch and play some video games. My guess is you're not really looking Jun or maybe looking in the wrong place?

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you know i always thought it would make sense that a guy would like a tom boy over a girly girl so i spent a long time developing the theory that maybe my friends are just gay but i doubt thats true sense most of them fight over this girl kelly i dont know i just dont really belong there i guess. **** you know i had just got over all this low self esteem stuff now you all have made me depressed again had to remind me that i dont have a boyfriend

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I'm pretty sure their all gay Jun. Kelly could be a boys name too ya know? Well I have a girl-friend but you can come over and play with my.... Errr Atari anytime you want.


Don't cry, Dry your eye Moycon

(The proceeding Sur-Name was a tribute to StanJr)


[ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: moycon ]

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LIES JUN its all a bunch of Frickin LIES!!!


My joystick is so big it needs its own AC adapter to power the thing,


I have to look around it to play games with it.


Its so staggeringly huge it take up 2 zip-code fer christ-sakes.


Everyone on this board hates me and is against me!!!!!!!


Ok time to cut back on the coffee.

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