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Female Atari Addicts


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How many people think this thread has just dropped beneath the gutter?


How many people think Jun and moycon should just get a room and get it over with?


By the way Jun, you also have to contend with the fact that the boys you hang with are probably around 17 or 18 (right) and therefore have no idea what they are doing. They are running on a full set of hormones (this regresses them to the age of 14). They ALL want to jump the same girl out of basic need for competition, its more about their own insecurities and lack of status than your ability to attract them. Ahh, youth....


Older than the Hills Stan

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Originally posted by liquid_sky:

how many of yall think moycon has been playin with his own joystick too much?

i dooooo!!!!


By the way Jun, you also have to contend with the fact that the boys you hang with are probably around 17 or 18 (right) and therefore have no idea what they are doing. They are running on a full set of hormones (this regresses them to the age of 14). They ALL want to jump the same girl out of basic need for competition, its more about their own insecurities and lack of status than your ability to attract them. Ahh, youth....  

i know that and its not that i wouldnt actually date any of them its more that they are to busy fighting to be fighting to be friends and it makes me feel left out in some odd way and its starting to piss me off im starting to think that it would be easier just to not have any friends that way i wouldnt have to worry about weather or not they actually want me around


[ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: Jun Kazama ]

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It is by no means true that a girl into video games cannot get a boyfriend. I have a very loving boyfriend here who thinks I am unique and special for being into something that most girls think is only for nerds. Im 18 and I have hardly met a guy my age who is interested in a girl for her personality. When you are 16, they talk to your chest instead of your face. I have moved around the world quite a bit in my life, so boyfriends really meant little to me because people kind of come and go with the seasons. I ended up meeting my boyfriend in a time when I was least expecting to meet someone and not really looking. Sometimes its best to remember that when youre meant to have a boyfriend, you will get one. Until then, dont panic.

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Originally posted by atarinvader:

Jun just ask one of them on a date. I doubt they'd turn down a videogame playing girl, unless they are actually gay. Us guys are easily pleased.


Just come to Uncle Atarinvader for any love advice...

gosh i am such a B**** i dont wanna date any of those guys i just want them to fight over me or atleast notice that i am there and that i am their friend i just want some freakin attention thats all

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i try to talk to my friends i just get the feeling they dont give a crap so i shut up im probably not going to hang out with them as much when school starts back i dont like the feeling that im just being brushed aside its not all of my friends but i would say its about 90% of them and im better than that

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Originally posted by Lt. Luna of the Moon Patrol:

I ended up meeting my boyfriend in a time when I was least expecting to meet someone and not really looking.


Luna has spoke the ONE GREAT SECRET OF LOVE, it usually only finds you when you are not looking for it. If you are hungry and looking for love and attention, it will flee from you like...well something that flees quickly and in an away direction...er.


Be confident in yourself and your own personality, be strong, be independent. Once you are secure with yourself, others will recognize that about you and your true attractiveness will shine.


Lonely Hearts Stan

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I am a bad philosopher.. but life is way too short to have to worry about things. Live life as you do, what makes you happy, keep doing it. Dont change the way you do things or see things just to get something or someone. There is notihng worse than a false person.. if you want something use your mind your power your train of thought, it will be more true because if you divert from your mind then your not being true to yourself, so how can you be true to others? As a guy i can say most of us are jerks anyway, your better off being single and enjoying life.

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Wow deep...Very Deep! But all true. Very very true. I think there should be some consideration about getting a StanJr/liquid_sky advice page!!!


As far as those bogus pictures, it was obviously done in Photoshop, That was my head pasted on a babies body !!!! Didnt the rattle give it away????!

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Originally posted by Lt Luna of Moon Patrol -


Im 18 and I have hardly met a guy my age who is interested in a girl for her personality. When you are 16, they talk to your chest instead of your face.


I'm fast approaching 30 and I still talk to girls chest's, all men do its just that with years of practice, in later life a man learns to do this in a subtle and socially acceptable way, often without even being noticed at all



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Originally posted by liquid_sky:

As a guy i can say most of us are jerks anyway, your better off being single and enjoying life.


yeah i have noticed that why do you guys have to be such jerks?

Originally posted by Lt Luna of Moon Patrol -




Im 18 and I have hardly met a guy my age who is interested in a girl for her personality. When you are 16, they talk to your chest instead of your face.


maybe thats the problem i dont have much of a chest

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Wow, this is quite a loaded topic. All I have to say is I'm very proud of you guys for not asking any female atari fans to "bend over" and...,


"Moycon, quit milking a dead horse!"


Cruisin fer a bruisin...

-le geek


[ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: legeek ]

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Dont worry about the chest thing. There are guys out there with breasts bigger than mine. After a while I learned to improvise by not thinking about it. Look on the bright side, at least you wont have to worry about being used just because of whats in your shirt.

Friends, boyfriends, etc come and go all the time. Sometimes I think Im jinxed in friendship, but most of the people we meet when we are around 18 almost never stick around forever. Shit happens, people get separated, we change, but its never the end of our social lives.

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