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Female Atari Addicts


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As any guy who has emerged from the puberty stage will tell you, large breasts are HIGHLY overrated, and they usually become a liablility after age 25. The most attractive women are the ones who are confident, intelligent, and independent, regardless of what is in their shirt or elsewhere. Its really weird how the MTV version of reality just kind of fades away once you get out of high school or college, and you figure out what's REALLY going on. I'm still amazed by it all.


I have no problem being Abby, I may even have a dress or two that still fits.


Queen Stan

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"Moycon, quit milking a dead horse!"


!!! !!! I havent seen those pics yet!!! Been trying to avoid those animal sites. I can assure you tho geek, those pics are fakes too.


Anyways. I agree with the majority Jun, just be your self, don't worry bout those crappy guys now. Its a huge world full of sweaty, hairy men and its like Stan said one day guys wake up and their whole outlook on women seems to change over-night.


By the way...For awhile there when you were talking about chest size.... I thought you were talking about those things you put treasure in. Haha. I finally figured out you were talking about breasts!I guess I'm just really into gaming....I refer to them as "roller controllers" In the future when you refer to breasts, can you do it like this...."yeah my chest/roller controller size never bothered me"

That way I wont get confused... Thanks.

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Maybe I'm the odd one out (er, come to think of it, I was always the odd one out...) but even in my pubescent years I was never into the big chest thing. I always thought women with a big chest looked disproportionate and ungainly, as if the only thing keeping them from falling forward was willpower. Stilettos only helped to reenforce the belief. Plus. My first impression of a woman's IQ and personality tends to be inversely proportional to her cup size. Chesty women usually grow up with the puberty squad drooling over them, their eyes usually never rising above neck level, and that gives the women an inflated sense of self -- something I find grossly unattractive. Confidence is one thing, but when you just know their unspoken response to a complement is "I know" ... well, that's just wrong.


I'll take a demure woman any day. Appearance and measurements are unimportant, and chance with age anyway. All you can really rely on is the heart and the mind, and that's where I always look first in any potentally meaningful encounter.

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i figured the stink was implied but i guess you neanderthals had to make me break it down


anyways my dad started reading my post on here i dont know how he figured out who i was or that this board existed so i guess im going to have to stop posting or at least keep my post on the D.L. for a little while

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  • 1 year later...

It's a thread from a spooky alternate dimension where everyone was different. NE146 was a girl, Moycon had a tiny little joystick, Jun apparently lusted after "Pink" from The Wall, Stan "Jr" was ancient, MegaManFan had no posts at all, and "da bears" were supposedly playing around with Duck Hunt :lol:

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