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Female Atari Addicts


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For me at least I think everyones Avatar gives a better clue to gender than names.


Oh really?!?!? (looks left) Trust me, I don't look anything like that! hahahahahaa!





Jess...You've made me see the light. There is absolutely nothing funny about a kinky girl telling you you have a short joystick...Are we all in agreement???  


"My short joystick is no worse than your itty-bitty-titties." Okay that was the end of that relationship, but at least I won the argument. Most satisfying breakup ever.





I'm fast approaching 30 and I still talk to girls chest's, all men do its just that with years of practice, in later life a man learns to do this in a subtle and socially acceptable way, often without even being noticed at all  


They think... I've noticed some older women (late 20s/early 30s) WANT to have their chests looked at. I haven't figured out why yet. But anyway, I've long since moved past that stage. I don't even bother looking unless she bends over in front of me... and then it's more accident than actual intent. (One of my coworkers keeps doing that... she really should wear higher necklines!)




Dont worry about the chest thing. There are guys out there with breasts bigger than mine. After a while I learned to improvise by not thinking about it.


IMHO smaller is better. Quality over quantity.





how many of yall think moycon has been playin with his own joystick too much?


I wouldn't date a girl who did not play with her tiny joystick at least once a week. And enjoy the song "I Touch Myself" by the Divinyls. I like women who like themselves. (ducking and running)





*shrug* it cant be THAT bad i mean there HAS to be SOME dude who likes video games to find a girl who ALSO likes video games it just makes sence!


My old high school pal Chad met a really cool wife who loves games as much as he does. Lucky bastard!


I met a real cutie at the local gamestop. She's into video games (obviously) and wears cat ears to work. CUTE! She was flirting with me a little bit, but then I told her I was 31 and she looked like she was having revulsion spasms. (sigh) It sucks to be old.


So if any of you live in Lancaster PA go check out the cute gaming girl at the Park City Gamestop. Maybe you can hook up. ;-)









Octopussy - Best James Bond title ever. :D

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