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Games That should exist

Pete Perpetua

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Originally posted by Pete Perpetua:

I read that interview, I can't beleive he is worried about Coleco after all these years if he would release the rom.


No kidding. Prototypes for unreleased games get released all the time from companies that are still in business, and as far as I know no one has ever been chased down for doing so. There's very little profit to be had on the rights to games written for a 20 year old platform, not to mention the PR disaster of attempting to prosecute someone sharing these bits of classic-gaming history. Even companies like Activision, which is working on an anthology package of 2600 games for the PS2, is benefitting from the release and discovery of Activision protos as they will be including them in this package. If they stayed hidden from public view because prototype owners were afraid of legal action, Activision may never had a chance to include them.


Given that Coleco isn't even in business any more, the rights to those unreleased Coleco prototypes is a big question mark. Perhaps Telegames does own the rights to them. But if they have the rest of the Coleco library, they haven't gone after anyone for distributing other Coleco games, at least not to my knowledge. So I have a hard time believing that they'd be concerned with two unreleased 2600 games.


I just hope that if Ed Temple has (or had) copies of these unreleased games that he at least allowed someone to dump the. At least then there's hope that we'll see them someday.



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Even companies like Activision, which is working on an anthology package of 2600 games for the PS2, is benefitting from the release and discovery of Activision protos as they will be including them in this package.


yeah, funny. i lended them some of my patches, as they don't have these anymore. isn't it kinda strange, that activision doesn't have these patches anymore ...?




First off, here are the protos that we know exist, but we don't have dumps of yet:


AD&D: Tower of Mystery

AD&D: Treasure of Tarmin



Funky Fish


damn, funky fish? what that, alex?


never heard of it, but that sounds like the ultimate game for my collection, a must-have .....

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It's a mock-up (drawing) - they even got the maze upside-down! Funny how the original (top) version looks better b/c the colors actually match the original (couldn't Tod at LEAST have made the colors match?!?)


The one below it is the version that was used more extensively (mags, catalogs, flyers, etc.) Note the infamous "tilting" ghosts used in both




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  • 2 years later...

Interesting that in the 2 and a half years since this thread started we have seen releases of "Looping" {CGE}, "Crack'ed" {CGE}, "Funky Fish" {AA}, "Pleiades" {AA}, "Snow White" {Retrodesign ???}, and "Planet of the Apes" (as "Revenge Of The Apes") {AA}. 8)

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