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Pitfall 2


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Welp finally bought Pitfall 2 today and it is amazing :) I have always liked Pitfall and had intended on buying it for years but I must say it is even better than I had thought it would be, almost like an NES game as far as the depth of gameplay goes , anyone who doesnt have this one (I am sure most of you do) DO NOT TURN IT DOWN, one of the finest games I have ever played :)

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My ignorance and general aloofness at the original Pitfall made me disregard Pitfall 2 back in the day. Big friggin mistake. I'm 100% sure it would have enthralled me back in the day and would have been the stuff of gaming memories. As is, I can only marvel at the game after the fact and think about what I missed. It's just not the same playing something 20 years later.. :P I mean it's awesome still, but I'm sure I would've been that much more "immersed" had I played it in it's time :sad:

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i dont even have the first pitfall yet :(

The original should be pretty easy to find if ya hit the fleas and goodwills enuff, I saw two copies of it today :) Pitfall 2 however has taken me six months of searching (not reverting to ebay of course) but I will say it was well worth the wait, I am also sad to have missed it back in the day , it would have helped me be more prepared for SMB and not have looked like such an incompetant ass back in '86 :D

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I have to admit that although I appreciate the historical significance of the first Pitfall!, and I loved it back in the day, I really can't stand to play it now. I have always been terrible with the alligators, and I never bothered (because it didn't interest me) to figure out the shortcut path through the underground that was necessary to actually FINISH the game.


Pitfall 2 is a much more enjoyable game to play these days, and even though it was never well-known (being released during the crash), I really see it (and not the original) as the grandfather of all of the side-scrolling platformers that were the staples of the NES. And it was on the 2600!!!

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I can 9th that! Pitfall 2 is pretty amazing for the 2600.... I can remember it when I first got it and was so surprised I played the fahooey out of it :)


The music is damn good too!


That's because it has its own sound chip, that has yet to be able to be played on any multicart without the specific sound chip you get from those carts only. And yes, that game is pretty amazing :love:

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While Pitfall 2 is technically brilliant, I find the gameplay repetitive and boring after playing it three times. Very overrated.


Still, I really wanted this game badly for years and I now own three or four copies of the game. Some of them don't work very well, so I haven't tried to sell them.


And from an old thread:


BTW, the DPC chip is *not* just a sound chip.  It is a custom designed co-processor, intended to free up some 6507 processor cycles. In addition to the sound hardware, there is 2K of ROM and quite a bit of logic to implement the "...if only the 6507 could do that..." capabilities.
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Although Pitfall 2 is a technical marvel, I think it's a step down from Pitfall 1 in terms of gameplay. There is almost no jumping in the game and you have unlimited lives. You only lose points for getting hit, so there's really no penalty for getting hit (unless you're going for a perfect game). The game is so easy that I got a perfect 199,000 within a week of first playing it.


It's missing so much from Pitfall 1 (swinging vines, rolling logs, disappearing swamps, alligator heads, etc) that the gameplay seems mundane. However, I absolutely love the music (especially the scantly heard balloon riding music) and was astonished the first time I fired it up and heard that sound track coming from my 1977 heavy sixer.

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I remember playing this sometime in the mid 80s once and thought "Wow, this is a GREAT game!" Once I got my Atari and my own copy sometime in the late 90s and finally went through most of the game, I still found it amazing. Compared to some of the duds that came out around that time, this was a great piece of programming and gameplay. Still love it today.

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Agreed, it's too easy. I think the first is way too HARD. (No bonus lives, the 20 minute time limit, being FORCED to figure out the right sequence of shortcuts through the underground, etc.) Perhaps in response to users' complaints about the difficulty of the first one, David Crane went in the opposite direction here, but went too far making it easy.


I definitely think that BOTH having unlimited "lives" AND having no time limit makes it too easy. There is no way for the game to end other than winning or turning it off!

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Now you've done it! I started humming the Pitfall 2 theme to myself

while reading this thread without even realizing it.


If the 2600 version of the game is to easy for you, I recommend

checking out the 5200 or 8-bit Atari versions of the game. The

second map is quite an addition. I found finishing the 2nd quest (at all) to

be quite a bit harder than getting a perfect score on the first one.


I prefer Pitfall 2 to the original. It's more of an "adventure" type game

than "arcade" type game--put in enough time and you will be able to

finish it. The first one required much more patience and quite a bit

of memorization (of the underground shortcuts). After a while it got

too repetitive for me and I gave up.


--The Eidolon

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(dum, dum da-dum dum... da, da-da-da)


I agree that Pitfall 2 has to be appreciated as an adventure game rather than a precise arcade platformy-type game that is Pitfall!

Swinging vines are always sweet, though.


I love this game. I recently got it again, but forgot about the balloon. I was stuck running around for days!

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i dont even have the first pitfall yet :(

The original should be pretty easy to find if ya hit the fleas and goodwills enuff, I saw two copies of it today :) Pitfall 2 however has taken me six months of searching


I still don't own Pitfall and Pitfall 2, I guess I got no luck!

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I was fortunate to get this game in 1984 considering that the video game crash was in progress and chances of getting any new games for the system were looking quite bleak as retailers were getting rid of everything Atari at that point.


Pitfall hack idea -- put the room number in the corner somehow...for us trying to figure how where the shortcuts are.


Anyone find the so-called "writing materials" that were mentioned in the manual?

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I enjoyed Pitfall 2 for about the first 30 mins I owned it than sold it the next day. I think pitfall 1 has was better game play and I now refuse to own either of them. I know they are veiwed by many as classics but I tend to disagree on this particular game. And don't even get me started on the "Mayan Adventure", that game was a farse of license rip if I ever played one. But on a positve not I could listen to the Pitfall 2 music for hours :D (then after that be humming it and have the song stuck in my head for days after that also cause it's so damn catchy!! ;) )

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