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Teenagers and Atari


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They've been too well programmed into thinking you need CG cutscenes, an elaborate story that goes nowhere, and state-of-the-art graphics (although not one of them really knows what state-of-the-art is) to define a real game.


Same problem I am having trying to get all these college students who are trained on an unbalanced diet of GTA's, Halo's, and Madden's get back to the basics.

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I used to get kids come in and I'd tell them about the old school game machines and they'd say something like the Playstation 1 or maybe the SNES. I woud suggest, old school as in Atari. The one that mad me take a step back was "What's Atari?" I know, preaching to the choir here. :D


It is refreshing to see that some of the younger generation are looking at the classic 8-bit stuff and taking it seriously.



One aquiantence of mine is heavily into more modern stuff. He does play selected NES/SNES titles, but he focuses mostly on the current gen stuff. I promised him a surprise one day which was that I brought my boxed complete Vectrex up to let him experience one of the most novel 8-bit systems of the day. Not to mention, I am told no emulation does this thing justice. He balked when he saw the overlay and when I told him that the unit would hum. :) On the other hand he got a kick out of Minestorm and was actually annoyed when I told him that I had Blitz!, but neglected to bring it with me. Score one for our team. :D



[ Age and treachery ROCK. ]

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I teach seventh grade and on Friday we had a non-uniform day for pictures. One of my students came in with a Galaxian shirt on and asked me if I knew what it was. I asked him what system he played it on and he said the joystick. I told him I collect for the 2600 and he got all bug eyed and wanted to know where he could get one.


Also, one of my students had on a Thundercats wrist band. It was crazy.

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Hex... a buddy of mine introduced me to the Vectrex and let me play it for about an hour last year. Was pretty cool... I've never gotten to use one before because I can never see anyone locally having one.


gospeedde -

The joystick huh? hahaha.... I used to get all bug eyed in school when I heard about someone using or enjoying or looking for Atari stuff.... it was always pure excitement but of course I was already into the stuff and collecting so... I was trying to get whatever my grubby little hands could get ahold of :)


I remember in CNC class I made an Atari keychain.. (where it's at now I have no clue :( ) but I know my mom still has that MTV keychain I made as well (oh well)


Haha.... that reminds me.... we had to make a 30 second commercial for communications class (radio commercial) and I used the Atari 800 8bit SAM for the voice over (I already knew I wasn't going to use mine)

Haha... it turned out that no one could really understand what the hell he was saying but that probably didn't help much since I was advertising an upcoming concert and the music was blaring in the background. Once it was done I remember one of the kids saying "I don't know what you were selling but I sure as hell would buy it! That was cool!" lol....

... so there actually were some good days at school :P

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oh man... the memories... I made an acrylic cube as well, with 3 holes in it and poured in the red dye... and once the cube went back to the original shape it looked like the Fuji logo... man where is that thing now (I'm sure it's in my cluster garage)... when I find it, I'll have to post pics! :)

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