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Invisible sprites


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I recently purchased an Atari 2600 on eBay. I already owned a number of games but had no working Atari. When the one from eBay came I got it all hooked up and for the most part it is working. Certain games, however, have serious problems. In Frogger, for instance, either the frog is invisible or the cars/logs on the same row as the frog are invisible. In Asteroids either the ship/bullets are invisible or the asteroids are invisible. I'm having similar problems with Space Invaders, Yars' Revenge, Missle Command, and Defender. Of the games I've tested, Pitfall, Bowling, Combat, Berzerk, Pac-Man, and Air-Sea Battle seem to work fine.


Is this invisible sprite problem an issue with the system or the cartridges? Is there any way I can fix it? I may be able to swap some parts with another broken Atari I own.


Some screenshots I took with my TV tuner card:



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