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Atari kid

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Hi everyone my name is Austin I am 12 and from St Louis, MO. I started collection and playing a few months ago. I know Jason from Trade-N-Games and help out around the store and started playing Kaboom over a 2 years ago at his store. High score so far 8375. So far I have over 120 Atari games and a 7800 system to play them on. Jason let me pick the best labels out of the store and all are perfect. Just got a nice Deadly Duck a few nights ago.

Just want to post and say Hi I see Jason on all the time and watch his post and will post from the store sometimes. By the way I play Halo all the time.

My collection


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That's a great start of a collection there! :thumbsup:

When I was about your age I started helping out at a local used book store in exchange for books. The lady that owns/runs the store is now a very dear friend of mine 15 years later and I still consider her store my place to hide when I want to get away from everything. :)

Good luck and there is a ton of info here on almost if not every system as well as some very helpful and nice people.

And again - Welcome to AtariAge! 8)

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Welcome to AA, kid. :-)


Since we're doing the "When I was a boy" schtick, when I was around that age (10-11 actually) I used to get up every morning before school to head across the street to a local arcade, where the owner would let me in early to turn on all the units. He'd then give me a few quarters for my trouble and I'd get in a few games of Pole Position or Robotron or whatever before he opened and I had to run to class. Gotta admit, having a whole arcade to myself for half an hour was fun. :-)


Nice collection you've got going there so far. I had to work my way up to good labels when I started out collecting; my first batch of 70 or so cart were pretty grungy, being from a private sale from some guy's garage that had obviously been sitting there for the last couple of decades.

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He bought alot of them with the little money he has and then on some busy days hes the perfect sales man, the parents ask what is good for a kid around 12 and whatever he says they are like cool i will get that one. SO at the end of the day i hook him up with a few games or whatever he needs. Plus he gets first dibs on labels. 8)

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Welcome, and that is most impressive.


When I was your age, there was a little video game shop about 10 minutes away from my house. Thats where I got my Wico bat controller. When we went in there, they had a Donkey Kong Jr. arcade machine. It must have been brand new or very close to it. As I recall, it was almost 3000 bucks. Anyway, I told my Mom I would one day own an arcade machine of my own.


I've had hundreds of them now :) Never got a DK jr. though.


Way to go Atari Kid, you are WELL on your way to being a collector! This is a pretty good bunch around here. Honest and helpful. Watchful for our little dudes, too (thats the teacher in me worrying).



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Nice collection so far! thumb.gif

Since everyone else is doing it...

...let's see...

...when I was 12...that would have been around the same time my parents picked up our 2600 (which I still play today)(or did we get it around 1980?)...and it was also right before the video game crash...Two of my favorite games came out (Galaga and Ms. Pac-Man)...The year?...1981...


(Unlike Cassidy, I told my parents I was going to own a Galaga and it was the first arcade game that I picked up - but not until I was 30. Also unlike Cassidy, I have only owned a few arcade games - instead of a few hundred.) pain3.gif

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Quite impressive. Even the Activisions look good.

Lets see... when I was 12; I used to . . . <[ERROr!]> . . .

Oh yeah, that was jr. high. I blocked out most of those memories. :D I did collect a lot of Transformers and play a lot of Atari though.


Out of curiosity, what is it about the classic/retro stuff that appeals to you? There are some other youngsters on here too, but I'm curious.


Welcome to the forums, overall AA is pretty laid back -- it's an aspect of the culture that I do appreciate.



[ " Taco! Taco! Taco! Taco! " --Gir; Invader Zim ]

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Austin raided my storage room of my collection for that picture for some fun with everyone. He is sitting on my kid vid box set :lolblue: That part of my collection might be worth over $6000 with the way the market is right now on very rare games. I guess i should have thought about the Xman box in the same picture as a 12 year old I would never let a young person see that game on.

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