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Circus Atari


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Is Circus Atari an arcade port? I am attempting to organize my games into games that are ports of arcade games and games that were solely for the home market (All the Activision games I suppose) and wasnt sure about this one, any help appreciated :)


Based on the Exidy arcade game Circus


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Thanks Random you are indeed the Linkmeister :) It appears that Circus Atari would probably be the first Arcade to VCS port ever instead of Space Invaders which is what I had always heard. Cool stuff indeed :) Go blow a goat Space Invaders, Circus Atari just took yer lunch :x :x Just kidding I love Space Invaders :)

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Combat wasn't one of the first titles released tho. With the exception of Basic Math and Blackjack, all the other games originally released shared themes of established arcade titles (as long as you are disregarding actual names).



As far as which of those games was actually written first, I'd venture a guess that it might have been Video Olympics. Anybody know which of the intro games was written first?

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Combat wasn't one of the first titles released tho.  With the exception of Basic Math and Blackjack, all the other games originally released shared themes of established arcade titles (as long as you are disregarding actual names).



As far as which of those games was actually written first, I'd venture a guess that it might have been Video Olympics.  Anybody know which of the intro games was written first?

You mean Combat wasn't in the first batch of games released? Thats a shocker to me as I always assumed it had always been given away with the system :? Oh well learn somethin everyday :)

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Combat wasn't one of the first titles released tho.  With the exception of Basic Math and Blackjack, all the other games originally released shared themes of established arcade titles (as long as you are disregarding actual names).



As far as which of those games was actually written first, I'd venture a guess that it might have been Video Olympics.  Anybody know which of the intro games was written first?

Ouch! Dr Galaga was just force fed that eye roll. :D

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I stand corrected...Video Olympics has a copyright of 1978...while 4 other ones have a date of 1977.

Are you looking at a picture label cart?


I've noticed a lot of picture labels say copyright 1978, regardless of what the correct copyright date is. I have a Combat and even an ADVENTURE (released in 1980) that say copyright 1978.


Video Olympics was definitely released in 1977 along with the other 9 originals.


For that matter, my picture label Air-Sea Battle says copyright 1981!

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"Space Invaders for the 2600 was the first home license of a coin-op video game."


All of the early games were by Atari (or some spin-off of Atari) or just out right stolen. Of course back then everyone stole games from each other - how many Pong clones do you know?


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Right... the big deal about Space Invaders was not that it was the first arcade game concept brought to home systems, but it was the first time that a big name, still-popular arcade game was brought home with the SAME title and such.


In other words, the only thing revolutionary about it was the marketing.

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NOW HEAR THIS :twisted: Circus Atari is now the official "First Ever Arcade Port To Any System Ever" and as of today every copy of it is worth a minimum of fifty US Dollars, picture labels with Sandmountainslims initials are henceforth worth $250. Effective this 20th day of March in the year of Oh Lord 2005 per Sandmountainslim. So mote it be. :P

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As far as which of those games was actually written first, I'd venture a guess that it might have been Video Olympics.  Anybody know which of the intro games was written first?


I would have gathered from Joe Decuir's CGE2K keynote that Stella was designed around the needs of Combat... and seeing that it is cx2601...


But I don't know for certain... ;)

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For any system? No (Pong would be).



As far as which of those games was actually written first, I'd venture a guess that it might have been Video Olympics.  Anybody know which of the intro games was written first?


I would have gathered from Joe Decuir's CGE2K keynote that Stella was designed around the needs of Combat... and seeing that it is cx2601...


But I don't know for certain... ;)


Actually, Stella would have been designed around various control schemes to warrent the 9-pin controller ports (game controllers were (always?) hard-wired for home systems back then). Note that the 4 controller types were supported by at least one of the original handful of games.

Besides, the question wasn't including anything that might have been still in development when the console made it's debut (unless you are suggesting that Combat was already completed...but held from release as to not interfere with Tank's profits). Pong is certian to be one of them that was in development...since it was already an established moneymaker for Atari.

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Whoops...I hit the wrong post to quote :lol: It should have been this one:


If Combat was a pack-in from the get go, it would explain why it was not included in the original catalogue.. why waste space on a game any potential customers are guaranteed to already have?



So.. uh ... was Combat a pack-in from the beginning?


Further review shows that Combat wasn't detailed at all even in the next issue...it only mentions the control scheme that it uses:



So that would be enough evidence that Combat was always around from day 1...but just left out of the catalog since you didn't need to buy it seperately anyway :P

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For any system?  No (Pong would be).


No, the first for the 2600.


Air-Sea Battle (Sea Wolf)


Some of the games from Air-Sea Battle were ports of Anti-Aircraft.




Cassidy Nolen had one on display at PC6. I never knew about this game before, let alone seen one.

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Further review shows that Combat wasn't detailed at all even in the next issue...it only mentions the control scheme that it uses:



So that would be enough evidence that Combat was always around from day 1...but just left out of the catalog since you didn't need to buy it seperately anyway :P


Good one!



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