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The most worse hoax of the history?


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What do you think is the worst hoax that happened in the 8-Bit software-history?


My favorite is "Impossible Mission".


It still isn't available for the A8.


On the C64 it's a classic.

It's remembered as the first game with digital speech on the first home PC which was able to generate "speech".


The A8 would have been the better platform for this game at all. Even the music would have been "outstanding" if there would have been a "Rob Hubbard" putting the same enthusiasm into pokey music, as "they" did for the SID.


The game was done in 1984, when the A8 was still alive ...

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The A8 would have been the better platform for this game at all.


Not really, one of the other major selling points was the gloriously over-the-top 320x200 pixel res animations on the main sprite; that's very much something the C64 can do standing on it's head whilst the Atari would have to make concessions somewhere.


You may want to look up "hoax" at dictionary.com by the way, a game not getting released on one platform but coming out on another isn't a hoax unless you're referring to a faked preview that you didn't mention in your post...?

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The A8 would have been the better platform for this game at all.


Not really, one of the other major selling points was the gloriously over-the-top 320x200 pixel res animations on the main sprite; that's very much something the C64 can do standing on it's head whilst the Atari would have to make concessions somewhere.


Don't you agree, that the detaillevel of the game-graphics is very low?

The game could be done in full hires on both machines though. And both versions could have been even more colourful.


You may want to look up "hoax" at dictionary.com by the way, a game not getting released on one platform but coming out on another isn't a hoax unless you're referring to a faked preview that you didn't mention in your post...?


The "hoax" refers to the "remembered" facts, that are no facts... or better... they are paradox facts. That's why i put the bold letters in. Sorry, if the meaning wasn't clear enough.

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It seems like we spend a lot of time moaning about the past in this forum.





Isn't it a "forum of the past" somehow?

Using Hardware from the "computer-stoneage" talking about problems of yesterday? The only "future" is, when some "problems" of the past will be solved sometimes...

Those threads may build the bridge ;)


I created a picture "how can it look" . G2F seems to have some bugs when it comes to hires, but it's fairly enough for some impression...

Some redraw of the graphics... some dli... some overlay...

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On the C64 it's a classic.  

It's remembered as the first game with digital speech on the first home PC which was able to generate "speech".

*scratches head*


What exactly is all this stuff on my 99/4a, then?

Parsec, Star Trek, Moon Mine, Alpiner, to name a few.


Given the 99/ family was discontinued in 1983, I'm pretty sure it was generating speech before Impossible Mission. And since the speech synthesizer was releaed in 1980, it was doing it before the C64 too.

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Given the 99/ family was discontinued in 1983, I'm pretty sure it was generating speech before Impossible Mission. And since the speech synthesizer was releaed in 1980, it was doing it before the C64 too.

If I remember correctly castle wolfenstein is much older than impossible mission.

Parsec could be older than wolfenstein but need a hardware extension (but cool anyway)

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The A8 would have been the better platform for this game at all. Even the music would have been "outstanding" if there would have been a "Rob Hubbard" putting the same enthusiasm into pokey music, as "they" did for the SID.


JSW on the A8 is one of my favourite hubbard tracks... shame his thalamusik port wasn't as good.

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In response to the original poster- I'd have to say the letter that went to Computer and Video Games (UK mag, very big in the 1980's and amazingly still going) saying that the Atari version of Elite showed up the original and C64 versions so badly that Acornsoft had been leant on and wouldn't allow it to be released. Very cruel, that.

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Space Taxi...


It's done in '84



Actually, I opened this thread, because the biggest PC game magazine of gemany "Gamestar" did an information movie about the C64 DTV , where "Impossible Mission 1+2" is build in.

The Video spreads , what the Thread is based on.


Remembering back in 84/85, I had several talkings with "Commodore guys"... and they were talking about the same "crap": IM was a milestone...

But, what to say if the game actually wasn't still there to have a comparision?

Can someone imagine, to know what those machines are capable of, and no one is doing "proved examples", so you have no argues at all?


It was clear everytime, that SID was a powerful chip for it's time and that C64 has its advantages with that 40x25 colour overlay.

But, it is really interesting, what those features were able to push that machine in hardwareheaven.... in the brains of the users at least.

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Don't you agree, that the detaillevel of the game-graphics is very low?


The game in general yes, the player animation no.


The game could be done in full hires on both machines though. And both versions could have been even more colourful.


But what could have been done wasn't the question; the game was designed to run in a specific way and the C64 is more suited to that simply because it was designed for the C64. Same as the reason why Elektraglide is so much better on the A8 than the C64, it's very much designed around the A8's hardware traits.


And to my mind, going to hi-res doesn't do the game any justice... =-)


The "hoax" refers to the "remembered" facts, that are no facts... or better... they are paradox facts. That's why i put the bold letters in. Sorry, if the meaning wasn't clear enough.


It's not really a hoax, it's just bad research on Gamestar's part - and without the posts after this one i'd still be none the wiser as to why you'd highligted those statements even though i was aware they were wrong. To my knowledge, the first machine to get speech (well, it was a scream but it's produced by vocal chords) in a game was the Apple ][, although i'd have to look through Hackers to find the title.

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Actually, on the subject of digi-speech, I remember an ancient program that had digitised speech. It was a golf game.


It wasn't a commercial release, though.


It was on a Cromemco machine. I suspect that there was a home-made hardware add-on, but this was 1980!


The program was written by 14-yr-olds.

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Given the 99/ family was discontinued in 1983, I'm pretty sure it was generating speech before Impossible Mission. And since the speech synthesizer was releaed in 1980, it was doing it before the C64 too.

If I remember correctly castle wolfenstein is much older than impossible mission.

Parsec could be older than wolfenstein but need a hardware extension (but cool anyway)

I'd have to rummage up exact dates. I'm pretty sure, but not positive, that the speech synthesizer was well-supported well by 1981.


And expansion or not, the 99 series could still generate speech. :P




Footnote: Looking around, Castle Wolfenstein was 1983.

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Well, digitized speech is not really as difficult as some people might think. Mostly, it uses up memory for the sound samples. The 2600 hardware could have done digitized speech, but the cartridges were very small, and I guess that the programmers weren't willing to give up that much memory for a sound effect.
A game or 2 DO do it on the VCS.



Anyways... In my 99 collection, my earliest speaking games are 1982.


Earliest speech-capable software is dated 1980. TI Extended BASIC.

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Well, digitized speech is not really as difficult as some people might think. Mostly, it uses up memory for the sound samples. The 2600 hardware could have done digitized speech, but the cartridges were very small, and I guess that the programmers weren't willing to give up that much memory for a sound effect.


Puzzy Bit's "Open Sesame" on the 2600 has speech synthesis.It says "open sesame", the quality isn't great, but you can understand it.It was released in the early 80s and it's only 4K.It's common as a PAL cart, an NTSC version exists AFAIK, but it's very rare.


Another 2600 game with speech is ,of course, "Quadrun" by ATARI.



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Don't you agree, that the detaillevel of the game-graphics is very low?


The game in general yes, the player animation no.



.... that only can be done in hires. So, much games in hires existed on the A8, it wasn't that essential, to have a protagonist in hires.



And to my mind, going to hi-res doesn't do the game any justice... =-)



... Because the game is a classic, as it is.

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