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Atari 7800 Q*Bert Prototype Revealed!


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Curt!! ....Ken!  .....where ARE you guys???[shouts from the Atari look-out fort that I built in my back yard when I was 10]


I'm sure they'll post later today--most of us have to work during the day and can't spend as much time surfing the web as we might otherwise like. :)



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Actually I am spending most of my time off and on waiting for stuff to come up here and hoping it doesn't time out and mark all the topics as read like it does from time to time.


I just got home from work a couple of hours ago and am working on recovering some of my 7800 beef drop source.

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To get the new 7800 Q-bert ROM to work with the EMU7800 emulator (.bin or .a78 format, doesn't matter), add the following line to the ROMProperties.csv file found in the emulator executable folder:


Q-bert,,Parker Bros,,A7832,A7800NTSC,Prototype,,,66e7230f7ef9d14db82d76b06b241bc0


EMU7800 is an Atari 2600/7800 emulator implemented in .NET for the Win32 platform and is available at http://emu7800.sourceforge.net.



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OK, I give up. I'm confused. Is this ROM legit or a really good recreation of Q*Bert? I managed to play up to Level 4, and still I see no "April Fools!" message or whatnot.


If it's a fake, wow, what a fantastic fake then -- a fully playable game trying to pass itself off as a lost proto. I think I'll be more impressed if it's a fake, and not a real proto. It will be even BETTER if it's fake, because then the author can simply add the finishing touches to it to make it into a full-blown reproduction of Q*Bert. So I actually hope it's fake.


Thanks, AtariAge. This is what I would call a "good" April Fool's joke, where the prankee directly benefits from the joke too. :)

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The "April fools" was an april fools. And announcing a real proto on April 1. The ROM is apparently real.


One interesting thing I noticed when looking at it was that the two copyright strings (Atari and Gottlieb) were written backwards for some reason. But a 1989 copyright? I didn't notice that. That's waaay late in the 7800's lifetime.


This was also an excuse to get the pair of 29C256 flash chips I found recently desoldered and working with my 7800 proto board. Turns out I needed a wire from pin 1 (/WE) to +5 volts, but now it works. So in a way, it has now been put on a cartridge, even if temporarily, and without a cartridge shell.

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I guess I am left with the difficulty of proving it is for real

A. Convert a page of the original source code into PDF

B. Post the PDF here

Repeat until the truth is known.


Good enough?


I there any chance the original source will be made public? It would be highly educational to budding 7800 programmers.



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