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Find of the Century!

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Hey Guys! Check this out...


I was walking around my local thrift store, hoping to find some new junk to help dull the pain of a meaningless existence. They had a box of old computer equipment, $10 per pop.


Well, nothing much of any interest... old IBM XTs, a 2600, etc.


But then, at the bottom, I saw what I thought was an 800XL. When I unburied it a bit further, I realized it was a bit bigger than that, so, OK, a 1200XL. I've never owned one, so I brought it out. It didn't have the nameplate on it, which I thought was odd.


But man, this is like no 1200XL I've ever seen before. For starters, it has a built-in disk drive! It sticks off the top like someone melded a 1050 onto the 1200 case.


I was shaking when I brought it up to the counter. But, $10, no problem. The lady had no idea.


Well, I got it home and plugged it in. It needs a bit of cleaning, but get this... the disk drive is double sided! Not only that, but I even found that this baby has a 300bps modem inside it!


Oh, final thing... the lady at the counter said she knew who brought it in... a fella named Ari Follop.


SO, anyone have an idea what I got here?




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For those of you who don't know who Ari is he was the guy who developed the Atari Jaguar Multicart. It has like every Jaguar game cramed in there. Really nice work. I've had one for about 3 years now. He was working on one for Neo-Geo 3 but I'm not sure what the status is on it. Maybe he'll have it at PC6



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For those of you who don't know who Ari is he was the guy who developed the Atari Jaguar Multicart. It has like every Jaguar game cramed in there. Really nice work. I've had one for about 3 years now. He was working on one for Neo-Geo 3 but I'm not sure what the status is on it. Maybe he'll have it at PC6


That's nothing next to my DS multicart.

Do you know how hard it was to get ROM images of games that haven't been written yet?

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For those of you who don't know who Ari is he was the guy who developed the Atari Jaguar Multicart. It has like every Jaguar game cramed in there. Really nice work. I've had one for about 3 years now. He was working on one for Neo-Geo 3 but I'm not sure what the status is on it. Maybe he'll have it at PC6



I'm not sure if you mean this or not. Ari Follop is all the letters needed to spell April Fool.



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For those of you who don't know who Ari is he was the guy who developed the Atari Jaguar Multicart. It has like every Jaguar game cramed in there. Really nice work. I've had one for about 3 years now. He was working on one for Neo-Geo 3 but I'm not sure what the status is on it. Maybe he'll have it at PC6



I'm not sure if you mean this or not. Ari Follop is all the letters needed to spell April Fool.




I think he got it all right ;)

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SO, anyone have an idea what I got here?


A bad April's fool day story?






Ya got it in one! ;)


For being the winner, you get a brand-new, still-in-the-box Jaguar II, along with Ari Follop's MultiCart!



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I'm not sure if you mean this or not. Ari Follop is all the letters needed to spell April Fool.






I fell for that one a couple years ago...





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