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help with unlisted games


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Hey everybody, this is my first post. I've been scouring the site for the past few days. I'm not a hardcore collector, but I would eventually like to be. I went home from college for a few days and I thought I'd look up my games in the rarity guide. Nothing special really, a couple 4's and a 5, but then, I don't have very many games. However, I ran across a few games that were not in the rarity guide.


A while back I ran into a group of 4 games, all of a smaller size compared to other 2600 games, all made by Mattel. They do not bear front labels, only end labels. I am embarassed to say I don't know if these are actually 2600 games, but I was able to find one of these games (Lock 'N' Chase) in the guide. It looked like there was some sort of adapter attached to it to play as a 2600 game, again, I don't really know. 2 of these 4 games could not be found when I searched for them:


-Auto Racing (Blue b/g with white text, Hong Kong appears in small text in the top right, the copyright is listed on the back as Mattel Inc. 1979)


-Star Strike (Red b/g with white text, USA appears in small text in the top right, the copyright is listed on the back as Mattel Inc. 1979 USA)


I have no idea why I would find Lock 'N' Chase but these games would not show up in the guide. But here's the juicy bit:


The 4th game DID show up in the guide, but none of the cartridge pics showed the correct label. The game in question is BurgerTime. It shows up with two entries in the guide. The INTV game is a 4 with a white b/g and black text. The M Network game is a 3 with a black b/g and blue text. I, however, have this version: Yellow b/g with Red text, the text is in the same design as the M Network text. Below the title, text reads in small print as follows, (C: is used for the copyright symbol)

"C: M.I 1982 SINGAPORE C: 1982 DATA EAST U.S.A., INC."

Even more intruiging is that the three games besides burgertime were all priced at $.99, while burgertime was $4.


This is quite a mystery to me. I would very, very much appreciate someone with a bit more knowledge than me shining some light on these games. Are they actually 2600 games? Are they rare? Why don't they show up in the rarity guide? Etc etc. If need be, I can post some pictures of these games, but I need my dig. camera to do that.


Thank you all in advance, this site is awesome.[/code]

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Found the label for BurgerTime here. Maybe this will help in revealing the rarity/worth.




And here is Star Strike, these are all intellivision games and I feel silly. Still, any suggestions on rarity/worth would be appreciated.




Auto racing page.

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You should compare the open ends of the carts, and learn what a 2600 cart looks like from there. All 2600 carts must have the two prongs to open the dust cover in the console cartridge connector. Intellivision and Colecovision cartridges don't have them. 7800 circuit boards are a bit wider, with skinnier prongs.


The "adapter" you mentioned is manufactured onto the M-Network 2600 carts (so they could use intellivision cart cases and save a little on tooling costs) and is not supposed to be removable.

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  • 5 months later...
Okay, so what is the "Auto Racing" cart for the 2600, and why is it not in the rarity guide? I have one, it works fine in a 2600, and I can't find a lot of info on it.




Likely a PAL and/or PIRATE release if it is in fact a 2600 carts. Pics of the game running would be helpful too.

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