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Atari 400 keyboard problems


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I recently bought an Atari 400 through ebay. The first time I booted it the keys 5, U, N and M didn't work. After I had used it a few times the keys 1-7, ctrl and E stopped working. Becaus of that I couldn't use the computer for anything so I stopped using it for a while. Then I tried again and all keys except 5, U, N and M (the ones that didn't work from the beginning) was working again so I started using it again, but the earlier mentioned keys stopped working again :(


Is there any chance that it may be an easy problem that I can fix myself or should I buy a new keyboard? If I should buy a new keyboard, do you know any place I can do it at?


Thank you very much for answers! :)

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  • 7 months later...

I'm having a similar problem but all of my keys are working except the shifts and control. I cleaned out the dust and unplugged and replugged the keyboard, but still same keys won't work.


In another thread it was suggested I wipe the keys with VCR head cleaner, could be worth a try...

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
The best thing to do is take the keyboard out and wipe the ribbon edge connector with VCR head-cleaning fluid.


I've noticed that they have a habit of gathering corrosion, which is why certain groups of keys will intermittently drop out.



I'm going to have to try that. I always forget video cleaner when I go to the store!

Also with my NES, a careful cleaning with rubbing alcohol with a q-tip helped to make the cartridges work better.


I saw nothing wrong with the keyboard itself and I really don't want to put $10 into a computer like this.

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