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So my wife asks me this....


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My wife, in response to yet another few games percolating through the door, asks me "How much is enough of these things?".  And I had to think, how many of these Atari 2600 carts and the like is really enough?  And I had no idea.  There's so many more I want to play!


Wow! I just got a chill, and the hair on the back of my neck is standing up straight!!!

My wife says that to me plenty. And, like you I dont have the answer.

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One word.






Seriously As far as how many is enough. If your living in squalor, depriving your wife of food, never going anywhere because you spent your last $5 on a used Tac-Scan cart, you have enough. Otherwise.... Tell her


"I'll have enough, when I decide I have enough. NOW GO MAKE ME TURKEY POT-PIE!!!!!!!!"

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Yea... I mean if you are financially in the good and have nothing else to really worry about... a few $100 here and there isn't such a bad thing , right!?

Just support her in whatever she collects / wants then she can't really say anything (though, she shouldn't say anything negative anyways imo)

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My wife, although she really likes playing Atari games, asked me the same thing recently. My response was, "these things are REALLY cheap and for some reason it makes me happy, isn't that OK.?" That seemed to work for me. Of course, I did get a few beers into her first!

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I have the same dilemma at times. So far the "you get plenty of clothes and shoes and purses" thing has worked for me and now that I have a separate game room to place this stuff in, she seems to be more content with that. And she likes classic games more than the newer titles, so I use that on her as well. "Would you rather see me spending several hundred dollars on the same number of new Xbox games or just $20 for these several 2600 titles? :D "

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I figure that since I don't spend more than 3-4 bucks on any one game, its no big deal. Oddly enough, she'd understand if I spent 3-4 bucks a day on ice cream! I buy them for me and my sons to play with, and she plays every so often. I just spent 15 bucks on a lot of 10 on ebay, which included Pitfall II. Really, I'm not spending much money here. You're all right, an XBox game would be about 40 bucks or so. Ridiculous.

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how many of these Atari 2600 carts and the like is really enough?

All of them. 8)

Is that really enough?





@RickHarrisMaine: Welcome! (I know you've got 50+ posts but this is the first I've seen.) If your wife thinks you have a problem, you just need to show her this thread...



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My response was, "these things are REALLY cheap and for some reason it makes me happy, isn't that OK.?" That seemed to work for me. Of course, I did get a few beers into her first!


I think I said that to a girl at a bar once. After quite a few beers.

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