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Got my first-ever Atari 810 disk drive!


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I hadn't had my 8-bit hooked up ina quite a while becuase I was having problems with my 1050's. I am still going to repair my 1050's, but in the mean-time I found an 810 drive on E-bay, less power supply, but with an SIO cable, for $10! I have several power supplies, so that wasn't a problem. It works great! I LOVE the SIZE fo this thing! It's so HUGE! it's just very cool for some reason too. I know it's only single density, but since 99% of 8-bit software disks is single density anyway, that doesn't matter to me. I have two 150's with a US doubler anyway, once I get them working again. So, although I have a 1200XL, I currently have my 130XE hooked up with the 810...it's kind of weird having such a small computer hooked up to such a huge drive, but it all good. Anyone else here sitll use 810's? With anything besides an 800?

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I have some 810 drives (and yes, those things are enormous!) but I never use them. I generally use either 1050 drives or Indus GT drives, although it's easier just to use an SIO2PC board and load software up directly from your PC.


I never owned an 810 drive back in the day--my first computer was an Atari 800XL, and I picked up a 1050 drive to go along with it. I still remember buying those from Toys 'R' Us, along with a 1030 modem. That was a good chunk of change back then. :)



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I remember when I pulled mine out of the box from a xmas gift... it was huge... I was like... what the heck is this! Took me a few minutes to realize it was a disk drive after I seen the loads of floppy disks at the bottom of the box :) There was SOOOoo much stuff in that package it was awesome!

Very overwhelming.... memories I'll never forget :)

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I have some 810 drives (and yes, those things are enormous!) but I never use them.  I generally use either 1050 drives or Indus GT drives, although it's easier just to use an SIO2PC board and load software up directly from your PC.  


I never owned an 810 drive back in the day--my first computer was an Atari 800XL, and I picked up a 1050 drive to go along with it.  I still remember buying those from Toys 'R' Us, along with a 1030 modem.  That was a good chunk of change back then.  :)




Yes, I have an SIO2PC, but it's one I built myself, and I have it sort-of permanently attached to one of my 1050's with it's own cable (I drilled a hole in the side of the 1050 and it's soldered directly to the 1050 SIO port, so as not to take up an SIO port, actually, it's a dual SIO2PC/10502PC board. But I still use real disk drives too, mainly for games like Alternate reality and other RPG's to use a real floppy disk for my saves, but also for my graphic art and whatnot to save files to real floppies too, plus, although it is very covenient, and basically gives you an "HD" for the 8-bit, it takes some of the nostalgia out of using my 8-bit (to me) NOT to have real disk drives hooked up to my system. I have 2 1050's and now the 810. Plus, i also need it becuase I've noticed that the image files (pirated/cracked disks images)of disks like Alternate reality are unstable, and if you want to play the game right, without it crashing on you, you need the origianl disks. There are just some things the SIO2PC can't do that original disks can.


Edited by Gunstar
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Yes, I have an SIO2PC, but it's one I built myself, and I have it sort-of permanently attached to one of my 1050's with it's own cable (I drilled a hole in the side of the 1050 and it's soldered directly to the 1050 SIO port, so as not to take up an SIO port, actually,


So that's why I made a large hole in my 1050. ;) I wasn't just playing with the Dremmel I got for Christmas, then.


Haven't got around to fitting the thing yet, though. :roll:

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Can anyone see the picture I posted? it seemed fine yesterday when I posted it, but today it's not loading up when I look at this thread! Is it just me? And, of course, there is still no EDIT, so I can't fix it. :x I'm so sick of that shit!


Well, due tho the new forum I was able to post that pic again with the edit button (YEAH!!!). Sure, I could have just posted it in a reply, but I'm SOO happy the edit button has returned! This forum has just improved itself again two-fold! Finally! :cool:

Edited by Gunstar
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