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Mortal Kombat 1 "glitches."


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Ok, I've got to tell someone, because it is cool.


Mortal Kombat 1 is enormously fun to play on Mame.


Within the last 5 minutes, I did something I never thought possible.


I was playing as Johnny Cage against Lui Kang on the 3rd stage.


I intentionally sweep kicked Lui Kang while he was approaching very close to Cage to defeat him. Immediately after the sweep, I pressed the required fatality motion (forward, forward, forward). Well Cage did the fatality uppercut, but Lui Kang had not yet gotten up from the ground, so the punch actually missed.


It was funny to watch Lui Kang just stand swaying there, as the screen still told me "fatality." Hilarious, try it out yourself.


Another glitch was with me as Sub-Zero against Rayden.


I did the exact same thing as with Lui Kang, doing the fatality motion as fast as humanly possible. Rayden had not yet changed back to his regular graphics, so the fatality was performed on his "energy form."


Fatalities can be performed while landing from a jump, or right after a sweep of course, and some are quite strange. Try jumping over the opponent and doing Cage's fatality, that is interesting to see.


Rayden's fatality is incredibly difficult to land every time, I once got it to work like 5 times in a row, but then I'll "lose my touch," and miss it repeatedly for a while. The others work virtually every time, except Lui Kang's.


The mame version was rev 5, on Mame .80


Neat stuff.

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There are a ton of bugs in the various MK revisions. There was once a page that detailed many of them, but I can't find it anymore. I love hearing about arcade game rom revisions, to me they're just as good as prototypes. :)



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