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Different versions of Pac-Man

Lord Helmet

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I was messing around with the emulator last night, checking out some .atr files I had not played before. I noticed that the disk version of Pac-Man is different from the cart version. the sounds are different, it seems like Pac-Man moves faster on the disk version, and the aatract mode on the disk version introduces the ghosts. Why are they different?


Heres the disk file in case you think I'm nuts...


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I discovered that there are 2 different levels of AI as well. The 5200 version has smarter ghosts that behave more like the arcade model, while the A8 version's ghosts act in a more uniform way. There is a version floating around on the A8 that claims to be the 5200 version but is, in fact, the A8 version with the intermission code added.



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I asked about this a while ago. Basically because some of the 8-bit Pacman images have an ACCURATE "waka waka" dot eating sound when pacman munches. It's much much better than the 5200 dot-eating sound. And as you mentioned there are some versions with the attract mode, and I guess some AI differences.


But my main thing I noticed was the waka waka :D If that could be put into the 5200 version with it's intermissions (which the computer versions didn't seem to have).... it'd be perfect :)

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I guess what I am wondering is if 2 versions were officially released, and if they were released, why are they different.

The initial A8 game had the intermissions but they were removed because the code had to fit in an 8K cartridge. The Datasoft release has the intermissions so it's essentially the same as the early version (minus the Atari copyright). I believe the 5200 release is a reworked version of that 16K code (correct me if I'm wrong).


There's also a strange version with no bonus life at 10,000 and another one with weird ghost AI.



Atari Frog


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