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About Lynx forum description


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I was noticing the Lynx forum description that talks about the Lynx being designed by Epyx and the same engineers that designed the Amiga. I knew it was Epyx that made the Lynx or "Handy" but I did not realize that those engineers were the ones that designed the Amiga. But, what some of you may NOT know also is that the engineers who designed the Amiga (and Lynx I guess) were also the original engineers who designed the Atari 800! Interesting how things came full circle there...so if you ever considered the Lynx NOT to be a true Atari product since it wan't designed by Atari, well, now you know that the reality of it, in a strange roundabout way, is that the Lynx was in fact designed by Atari's original engineers and so for all intents and purposes, it IS in fact an Atari machine at heart (and so is the Amiga for that matter; the ST is really at heart a Cmmodore machine since it was designed under the direction of the ex-commodore owners and founders and engineers they brought with them from Commodore (IIRC). So Commodore and Atari have much more in common then one might think. The Amiga, father to the Lynx, originally was supposed to be an Atari machine and the ST probably would have been something like what the next-gen Commodore machine would have been had the Tramiels not been ousted from Commodore and Atari had not gone into bad times and was not sold to the Tramiels. Reality is sometimes stranger than fiction... ;)

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