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Price check


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How much would you pay for the following :


An adapter that :


1. Provided a standard RJ45 ethernet connection.

2. Provided a 16MB RAM 'hard disk' emulation.

3. connected via standard SIO cables.

4. Could be installed inside the atari or used externally

5. Imposed very little overhead in terms of RAM or processor speed on the atari.

6. Came with libraries for C, Action, Assembler, and Basic for using the ethernet card, both as a full standard TCP -IP API and as byte stream file operations.

7. Was reliable and hardy, with no moving parts.


Would you pay 50$? 100$? 200$? I am not asking for an idea of profits, I am wondering how much I need to keep the component cost down. Right now the component set will cost around 150$ in hardware. I don't know if people would be willing to pay that or not. There is no soldering and very little assembly required.

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