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Activision questions [the 3 Imagic games]

Dr. Morbis

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I consider Activision to be the best game developer for the VCS. They're easily better than Atari (IMHO). So I decided to compile a list and collect them all (I have 26 right now), when I hit a snag: the 3 Imagic games.


DP lists the blue label variants of Atlantis, Demon Attack, and Moonsweeper with Activision as the publisher. AA, on the other hand, makes narry a mention at all of Activision's association with the distribution of these 3 games. The fact that they come in Activision casings would leave me to believe that were manufactured by Activision, yet they have Imagic-style boxes. On to my questions...


What's the general concensus on a title-complete collection of Activision carts? Is it 44 or 47 US titles? Is Mediagenic (the distributer of the 3 Imagic blue label games according to the sticker on the back of the boxes) the same company as Activision, or where they a parent company that owned Activision? Do the blue-label games have the word 'Activsion' in the games themselves or are the ROMS identical to the standard Imagic releases?


Thanks for any help that the mighty Atari gurus can provide me with :)

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Did Activision acquire Imagic at some point? I'd assume so, based on that info, and that the Jakks 10-in-1 Activision stick had a couple Imagic games in it too IIRC.



Activision purchased Imagic in 1984.


Oh yeah, here's another page you might want to look at:



Edited by Random Terrain
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Did Activision acquire Imagic at some point? I'd assume so, based on that info, and that the Jakks 10-in-1 Activision stick had a couple Imagic games in it too IIRC.



Activision purchased Imagic in 1984.


Oh yeah, here's another page you might want to look at:





I don't consider Activision complete without the 3 blue label titles in question. I'm still trying to find black and white instructions for two of those carts.


Please keep in mind that some collectors go with the 44 number since the games were origionally released by Imagic.

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I'd add in Absolute Entertainment since it was a spinoff of Activision, and those games were created by Activision alumni. The Aussie multi paks are just reissued games, nothing new there. Like Blue labels. I'd say you need to track all the blue labels down before you are complete Cassidy. ;) And maybe throw in Fighter Pilot too, especially if you don't include Absolute. I think with US releases, the 44 plus the 4 Absolute, and the 1 PAL Ghost Busters II. That's basically all of their releases there.


The fact that they bought out Imagic does not make those reissues Activision games IMO. They were created by Imagic, sold by imagic, and later reissued.. But I wouldn't count as Activision. I plan to shelf right next to Imagic when I pick those three up.

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I don't count the 3 blue label Imagic games as being part of the Activision lineup. They're still Imagic born and bred, they just have retooled blue labels on them ala Activision's late re-releases. I keep them with the other Imagics in my collection.


By the same token I still consider Ghostbusters II part of the Activision lineup, despite being PAL only and being distributed by Salu. Again, it's an Activision title through and through, the only difference is that they themselves did not distribute it. (I do however consider Pick 'n Pile and Acid Drop to be Salu titles)


I'm on the fence with the Paks. They're just multicart bundles of existing gmaes. If I don't include them then I have a complete Activision collection (about half of them loose) so I'm a little biased 'cos I don't have any of the Paks. :-)

Edited by Mindfield
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Thanks for the info/links guys. Most of you guys seem to be bringing every single worldwide release that was related to Activision into the equation. And the Absolute connection is interesting because I was wondering why Activision skipped some numbers after Kung Fu Master (039). The numbers for the Absolute titles fit right in there.


I guess I'm going to go for the 44 bonafide US releases, since the 3 Imagic re-releases were byte-for-byte identical anyways (I'm assuming).

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This is what I consider complete.







I thought that was distributed by HES? If so, I guess these can be included:




Maybe these too?




IMO, a complete collection of Activision titles should only include the games that were designed by Activision. I wouldn't count the Blue Label games any more than I'd count the late release red label Colecovision titles that were distributed by Atari as first party games.

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I have never seen that one before! I am actually kind of happy there is still one I need. Acti's are my very fav's to collect, with Atari second right behind. I consider them even though they were released for Austrailia.


Thanks for the tip. Now I have to go find that one.....anybody have one for sale?




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since the 3 Imagic re-releases were byte-for-byte identical anyways (I'm assuming).


Technically, no. If you see any screenshots, you might notice that "IMAGIC" has been changed to "Activision."


Activision and Mediagenics are the same company. They went with Mediagenics for a little while because they wanted to start manufacturing computers and wanted to be taken seriously.

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since the 3 Imagic re-releases were byte-for-byte identical anyways (I'm assuming).


Technically, no. If you see any screenshots, you might notice that "IMAGIC" has been changed to "Activision."

I've seen pics on the net that say "Activision" in those games. However, the reason I was asking is because the screenshots here at AA that are associated with those 3 blue label games say "Imagic" in them. I didn't know if that was intentional or if they were communal screenshots that would come up regardless of what label variation you

were viewing for a particular game. Perhaps those could be updated? I was confounded!


Thanks for clearing that up for me, though. :)

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