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AAS Week 2: Realsports Tennis

Lord Thag

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Well, here we go again!


First off, before your read further, I would ask that you all take the Atari Appreciation Society Pledge (raise your hands now!): To whit, that if you read and enjoy the column, you must spend at LEAST 15 minutes playing the featured game of the week, and give it an honest chance. That's the whole point! For all of us to play these forgoten gems, right? So let's see some commitment! :D


This week, I decided to go with a request by vdub_bobby to highlight a sports game. There were, however, two problems with this:


1. I *hate* sports




2. I don't play sports games. Ever.


So this left me with the interesting position of picking something I don't play. I almost wimped out and went with Enduro, which I like, but I then I thought 'the whole point of this column is to play stuff I don't normally play', you know? So I drug out a rather formidable stack of sports games and spent a surprisingly fun hour testing 'em out. There were several standouts, but in the end, RS Tennis won out.


At this point, many of you are probably wondering 'Tennis? He picked TENNIS?' Normally I'd agree. In real life, Tennis seems to be an excuse for pampered rich people to wear designer clothes and throw tantrums in public while whacking a ball at each other and grunting. Wheee. But before you write off this review, read on:



Game: Realsports Tennis


# Players 1-2

# Variations: 1-2 players, fast or slow. Diff switch allows automatic or manual raquet hits

Game Manual: http://www.atariage.com/manual_html_page.h...wareLabelID=403


Commentary: This game took me completely by surprise. I could care less about Tennis in real life, but this game is FUN. When I first popped it in I was suprised at the graphics and presentation. Atari was definately on top of its, umm, game (sorry) with this release. It's much better than the other RS titles, and it beats Activision Tennis too. Large, multi colored characters grace the screen, with a nice scoreboard that even lets you input your name to boot. The gameplay is fast and fun. The ball exchanges are extremely fast and entertaining, and the gameplay reminds me, believe it or not, of a very fast shooter crossed with pong. You'll race around the court returning shots, trying to stay one step ahead of your opponent, while trying to send a unpredictible shot back at him. The exchanges close to the net are so fast they are almost impossible to follow. It's really fun stuff. If you give the game half a chance, you'll notice that the ball reacts differently depending on when your character is, and how you are moving, which greatly adds to the strategy. There is a great deal of subtlety to mastering the game, and the two player mode is a blast. So, in a nutshell, give this game a shot. This game is now on my PLAYER list, not just the 'it wasn't bad for a sports game' pile.


Favorite variation: Single player with manual raquet and hard computer opponent.




Ok! That's the review for this week. Lets hear from all of you who like the game, and especially those of you (like me) who never played the thing before. Remember, ya took the pledge! Lets hear about your new (and old) experiences with RS Tennis!

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I'm a big fan of Activision Tennis, but had never checked this title out. RS Tennis is a pretty great version of similar play. They've added some nice things here, like the "manual" mode where you have to hit the fire button to swing the racket. This makes me feel a lot more "involved" in the game.

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Very nice writeup, and thanks for taking my suggesion


You're welcome, that's what the column is all about!


I'm a big fan of Activision Tennis, but had never checked this title out. RS Tennis is a pretty great version of similar play. They've added some nice things here, like the "manual" mode where you have to hit the fire button to swing the racket. This makes me feel a lot more "involved" in the game


I was a huge Activision Tennis player back in the day so this "and it beats Activision Tennis too" crazy talk will certainly be a sight to see.


RS Tennis is very similar gameplay-wise, in fact, it's so close it might as well be a sequel. The better graphics and the 'manual' mode on the raquet make it a cut above the activision title. That doesn't happen very often, yes?


So.... Anyone planning on taking this game for a spin tonight?

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RS Tennis is like Activision Tennis with a lot of really great extra stuff. I was truly amazed when I first saw the title screen and the complexity of the scoreboard. Activision Tennis is great, but RS Tennis surpasses it, easily. I love RS Tennis, its one of the best Sports games for the VCS.


Think I'll go play it right now! :)

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RS Tennis is not an underappreciated game to me. It was one of the games in my original collection. Great game, playing with manual racket is the only way to go (difficulty switch on A.) I also loved being able to put my name up on the scoreboard.


So far, I've known about the two games in the AAS 'back in the day'. But both games have been good ones. I'm always looking for a good 2600 game that I somehow missed. Keep 'em coming.

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RS Tennis is not an underappreciated game to me. It was one of the games in my original collection. Great game, playing with manual racket is the only way to go (difficulty switch on A.) I also loved being able to put my name up on the scoreboard.


Apparently you're in the minority. No one is posting anything about the game :D


So far, I've known about the two games in the AAS 'back in the day'. But both games have been good ones. I'm always looking for a good 2600 game that I somehow missed. Keep 'em coming.


I've got a few more in mind for the next few weeks. Feel free to suggest something (that includes everyone) if you want!

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Haunted House?


Definately at some point. It's one of my favorite games. I have a few games (mine and a couple of suggestions) that are more 'forgotten' classics, so I'm gonna run with those first. HH will get some spotlight at some point, though. I find it a bit more intense than adventure, and tend to play it more.

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I played Realsports Tennis on Atari Anthology and have to say that I was impressed.


I was impressed with the customizable scoreboard, and the gameplay was fluid and true.

The only thing I didn't have was fun. The computer opponent seemed either unstopable or he (she?) would miss my first return. Although I'll bet this would kick ass in 2 player.

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