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Coolest Atari related item.


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What is the coolest, weirdest, stupidest Atari related item you have owned? Mine is this bologna sandwich I got from David Crane in 1982:




Ok no not really!!!


I used to have a record from Data Age that plugged 5 of their games. Not sure where I got it. I remember it was like a thin plastic sheet that had the grooves in it and it was attached to a thin cardboard backing with Data Game graphics on it. It was pretty weird. Just the name of the game and a bunch of sound effects.I think I sold it a few years back tho...

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Hmmm... Good questions. Mine would have to be:

1. The stuffed Pac-man doll I found at a thrift store. Over 2 feet tall and in clean, good shape. He stands watch over my collection.

2. My copy of Turmoil. Not too rare you say? Well, I won my copy in a contest by 20th Century Fox back in 1982. It's not any dfferent from any other cart, but it's a reminder that I won (well, second place) a video game contest once.

3. My Limited Treasure Chest edition of Venture II - numbered alpha!

4. My wall clock with the Atari logo on its face.

5. My collection of 2600 Connections from issue number *1* to present day.



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The stupidest would probably be an Atari symbol ashtray I made in ceramics class. We had to make a single piece out of 3 separate containers, so I made three little troughs and assembled them into the logo.


I've also got a nifty Yar's Revenge t-shirt that I had made a few years back from a scan of the cartridge. Well I think it's nifty anyway.

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I have many cool thing in my collection.




Energy Drink with Atari Logo (thanks Jah Fish).


RomScanner for 10 games. You can play 10 diffrent games that you choose by switch.


Repro Game Kit with this you can copy 1 game on an extra cart.


Multi-Cart from Sean Kelly, 256 diffrent games choose with 8 dip switches.


EPROM Adapter with ROMs


All cool items.

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one of my coolest items is a letter from the atari HQ in california to my actual adress.


it was actually ian sending this to me last december. it was so weird to find it in my mailbox. i was like "what???? Atari????". plus i got a mystique catalog in it that i've never heard of or seen before.


i really like this item. because when i recieve other stuff, i usually know what i get before. and this was a total surprise.


it's surely one of the "cheapest" items i have, but one of those i love most from my whole collection ...




[ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: jahfish ]

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The most meaningful item I have is a picture of myself and Joe Deciur in Vegas this last year. He signed my Combat box, and then used it in his "how to program the 2600" lecture. That was one of those "I could not have felt cooler" moments in my life.


I think I am more amazed by the Atari phenomena than the games. I spend most of my collecting time learning about the history, the design, the limits, the buyouts, the drugs, the big plans, etc. I spend very little actual time playing, although with the addition of a 2600 JR it is much easier to hook up and play for a minute or two.


I will try to post the picture (wife has it with the vacation photos.... I cannot be expected to know where those are, right?)



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I am going to try to show some pics; first time, here goes.....



This is a shot of me and Joe at CGE this last year


<ahttp://www.atarionline.com/fulopsm.jpg>]http://www.atarionline.com/fulopsm.jpg>[/url] This is a shot of Rob Fulop signing my Night Driver cart. Neato



AND NO COMMENTS ON THE BALD SPOTS!! The hair is just "resting" on those parts of my head...



[ 01-22-2002: Message edited by: Cassidy ]

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The coolest Atari item ever is the silver Atari jacket, with long stripes down the sleeves that says "Atari", and an Atari patch on the shoulders. There's a hipster guy I see around who is always wearing it -- I wonder if he genuinely dig Atari stuff, or if he's just a raver who thinks "Atari" is retro and cool.

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i have an item called THE GAME BRAIN. it looks like a supercharger except at the other end, instead of a handle is a slot to put a cart in. and you can transfer the code onto cassette tape.. it will also load games into the 2600... i got it in the early 80's for 199.00

at the time i thought that was very high!! (wish i had picked up 2 of them back then!) ;(


and i also have an ATARI 2600 DISPLAY UNIT!


Take Care,



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I think some of the coolest things from Atari that I have are Documents from the test labs from Sunnyvale, Shipping orders, and Office stationary that came from Atari Headquarters, this stuff is not from any store, but I would give it all to moycon for his sandwich.

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Originally posted by Russ Perry Jr:

Rick, who made that Game Brain thing? Can you make some pix for us?


I think one of my coolest items is the Swordquest Waterworld T-shirt from AtariAge. And the Earthworld & Fireworld ones too, to make a set (damn, no Airworld!).


HI Russ,

now you testing my memory to its limits (which is not very long) almost all my collection is in California and i'm still in Washington..but will be moving back in the next 3-4 months... i can't remember the name of the company.. i tried calling the number on the instruction pages to see if it was still in business but it was NOT!

as soon as i get back i will send you all pictures of it along with the pictures of the display (once i build it)


does anybody have a complete set of early 80's videogame mags(not sure which mag)? i'm sure the ad was in one of them!!


do you know of anyone else that has one??


Take Care,



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Originally posted by Russ Perry Jr:

Was it maybe in an electronics mag, not a gaming mag?




i'm pretty sure (99%) it was a gaming mag! just not sure which one! i only have a few mags now most got thrown out long ago..


if anyone finds this ad please let me know...


Take Care,



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Hi there!


The coolest Atari related item I have, is an "Atari Baby" T-Shirt from Sigue Sigue Sputnik (Anybody remember that song? Anybody remember that band? They toured Germany twice this year... )


Take a look: ssst8.gif





[ 01-25-2002: Message edited by: Cybergoth ]

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Originally posted by jahfish:


BTW, moycon: was david's bologna sandwich one of his prototypes, or just a regular one from his mother?



Didn't I read somewhere that it was an actual prototype, but couldn't be eaten because it had too much flicker--should have used whole-sprite bread instead.

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I like the order of Bread, Lettuce, Meat, Bread.

That way he got a really colourful display while keeping to the single-colour-per-scanline limitiations of the system.

Later Activision sandwich's did feature a stepped Tomato trick, although that did flicker on 7800s

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