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I got my custom cabinets back from the carpenter three weeks before he said he would have them done. Yay! They look pretty much just like I wanted them to, and they make my whole livingroom look cooler.



Edited by gospeedde
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Very cool, didn't catch that you are storing the carts in alphabetical order until CPU pointed it out. Looks like you're going to need another one of these cabinets soon! I store my games alphabetically grouped by manufacturer (so all the Atari carts are together, Activision carts together, etc.). But I have my games in plastic drawers, so it's a bit easier to group them together like that. Thanks for the pictures!



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Very nice. I do the same as Al -- alphabetical by company. I've got a similar idea for some shelving I want to build, though I want to create something with a number of lower shelves (a little taller than a cart) with a couple of shelves for boxed games. I'd also like to try and make it modular, but that would be a hell of a lot more routing. :-P

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Nice cabinets. Are they sized for something bigger than VCS carts though?


Since we're comparing notes here, I sort mine by:


Mfg then Color. I think they look best that way. I also group the text label carts together by color.


I only have abou 40 or so, however. Plus 7 NES, 2 N64, 5 SNES, 3 Genny, and a pile of DC GD's so it's kind of a kludge anyway.


I'm down to buying only what I will actually play.

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Lots to reply to. I sort my carts alphabetically so I can find the games easily, since I can't usually remember the manufacturer. The exceptions are the tapes, which are sorted by number and the two double enders. Each cabinet cost me 660, and it took me almost three years to convince myself to have them made. I put extra space between the rows to make it easier to get at the games and to see what they are (but mostly because I think it looks prettier that way). I've also never designed anything before, so its sorta a miracle they came out looking good at all. In theory I should have enough room for all the games I want to collect (I have 48 more to go) but that was before the foul temptress known as homebrews entered my life. If I have to I'll move the controllers out and put the double enders and tapes on the bottom shelf. I don't have a digital camera so my friend Sean came over to take the pictures for me. Blame him for the slant. He was in a hurry to take this picture. He made this painting for me and it now hangs in a place of honor over the tv, which is in between the cabinets. He is mad skilled. Iggy made me the spray painted Atari sign (skilled, but not quite mad skilled).


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Nice cabinets. I just have mine on bookshelves, but they're adjustable so it works.


I sort my games my manufacturer, and then either by product number or how the boxes look (color, etc.)


For that matter, the manufacturers are sorted visually, too. Although they're mainly arranged by how many I can fit on each shelf without breaking them up.:roll:



Edited by Nathan Strum
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Nathan's approach is pretty much the same as mine for boxed games, but I don't have a really nice cabinet to display them in like that. In fact one row of games is hidden behind another because the cabinet I have them in is exactly two boxes deep and I'm too much of a mensch to waste space.

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Nice cabinets. I just have mine on bookshelves, but they're adjustable so it works.


I sort my games my manufacturer, and then either by product number or how the boxes look (color, etc.)


For that matter, the manufacturers are sorted visually, too. Although they're mainly arranged by how many I can fit on each shelf without breaking them up.:roll:






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