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What ad in a magazine for a game made you drool


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I know they aren't really adds but I used to look at the video game and toy sections of the Sears and JC Penny catalogs for hours. I would mark the pages so my mom and dad would know wht I wanted for Christmas.


I wonder if there is a site out there with scans of those old catalogs :cool:

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I know they aren't really adds but I used to look at the video game and toy sections of the Sears and JC Penny catalogs for hours. I would mark the pages so my mom and dad would know wht I wanted for Christmas.


I wonder if there is a site out there with scans of those old catalogs  :cool:



I did that with the sears book too, a few years ago I could have told you he page number. Also the stereo equipment in Crutchfield ads, can't remember what i saw them in unless it was EG. Remember the 300.00 cassette walkman, DOLBY and all.


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I remember seeing an ad for Mega Man for the NES in my brother's Nintendo Power. I think it was actually after it came out (it was an old magazine), but I was like 6. I remember looking at Elec Man's (probably the best name in the game, besides Guts Man) stage and wondering if it could possibly be any cooler than it looked. And it was. And then my brother's really ugly friend stole the game from us...

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Scraper Caper with Bounty Bob (never released)

River Patrol for the VCS with the guy about to get eaten by the aligator

Blockade Runner for the CV - this was for the dumbest of pubescent reasons: The drawing of the woman had large breasts and I was 12 years old. I was very disappointed when I got the game :D

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Nintendo Power's April 1996 multi-page spread for the never-released-in-the-United-States The Smurfs game for Super NES.


And the fact that Infogrames still never released that game in America made it the worst case of teasing the videogame animal in me.




News like that really smurfs :x

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Easy question. Every time I saw that screenshot of Cavern of Mars for the 8-bit in either Sears or Montgomery Ward's catalog, I wanted it Soooo bad! It looked incredibly fun! Flash forward 20 years, I finally get an 8-bit off of EBay, and Caverns of MArs, and its every bit as fun as I'd hoped it was. :D

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It wasn't an ad in a magazine, but when I was a teenager (can't remember the exact year, brain's getting fuzzy), I wrote Atari Corp., asking where I might find certain games, since by then the games were getting hard to find in some places. They actually wrote back, sending me a personal response (at least it looked like a personal response), and also a 1-page catalog of games I could order from them through the mail. I spent many a day looking longingly at that list, wishing for every game on it to be mine. I never did actually order anything from them; nonetheless, I think that day has come. :)


I also got responses to letters I wrote to Parker Brothers and Coleco. Unfortunately, by then they were out of the video game market, and their letters stated as much.


I should have kept those letters. Oh well.

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Great mag pic!


Come to think of it, the Colecovision's "super module" or whatever it was...


As for Atari, back in the day when there was no internet, I would write Atari and ask for catalogs. They always sent me one, right up here in Canada. Sega was pretty good too. I sent them cartoons and they wrote me a real letter back commenting on them back in the Master System days.


Such nice people :love:


Damn do I miss the old days :sad:

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Great mag pic!


Come to think of it, the Colecovision's "super module" or whatever it was...


As for Atari, back in the day when there was no internet, I would write Atari and ask for catalogs. They always sent me one, right up here in Canada. Sega was pretty good too. I sent them cartoons and they wrote me a real letter back commenting on them back in the Master System days.


Such nice people    :love:


Damn do I miss the old days    :sad:



Hey Crowe... where abouts in Canada are ya? I'm in Winnipeg and I remember getting all sorts of Atari and Nintendo mailings... those magazine insert cards were the ticket to goodies. Especially when the NES was in it's heyday. I thought what's the cost of a stamp? I was getting catalogs and posters and merchant page displays that companies would get. I'd get a magazine at the Drug Store and buy a US Stamp.. fill out the post card and circle almost every ad # on it, plop it in the mail and in a couple months all sorts of goodies were in the mailbox! :D


I wonder where all that stuff is... nothing too exciting ever showed up but there were some cool promo pages (8.5 x 11) that would cause me to get excited about another new NES game. :)

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I remember filling out those cards, too...but the Atari and Sega stuff only showed up when I wrote a letter.


I never had an NES. Here's my history:



PONG knock-off


Sega Master System

Sega Genesis




I'm intending to getting around to getting a PS2, but for me, the PSX was the zenith of console evolution, and like a fine wine, I appreciate the 2600 as the purest definition of a "video game."

Edited by sidcrowe
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yea for me was that super module with wafers for colecovision yea im a huge colecovision fan myself ever been since i got my first colecovision back in 1982 !! :D


yea now that someone brought up that zaxxon looked so realistic on colecovision now it made me remember something ... IIRC


most colecovision games retailed for 39.99 or 29.99 and that zaxxon game was always $10 more than usual colecovision games !!!!

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The back page of issue #25 of Fangoria.


Halloween and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

No screen shots but I just knew those were gonna be the best atari games EVER!

They were like 49.99 apiece though.

It would be years and years later before I actually got to try those games out.

I had been drooling the whole time.

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yea for me was that super module with wafers for colecovision yea im a huge colecovision fan myself ever been since i got my first colecovision back in 1982 !! :D


yea now that someone brought up that zaxxon looked so realistic on colecovision now it made me remember something ... IIRC


most colecovision games retailed for 39.99 or 29.99 and that zaxxon game was always $10 more than usual colecovision games !!!!





....why does everybody rave about the Coleco Zaxxon port?...it was by far the least popular one in my circle...not only is it a somewhat poor port, the Commodore 64 version is far better....the Coleco one has questionable coloring, and doesn't include the cool tanks from the arcade, or some of the other cool graphic touches one would have expected from Coleco in those days.....

...actually I don't even remember it being given good reviews in those old magazines either.


Am I missing something here?

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yea for me was that super module with wafers for colecovision yea im a huge colecovision fan myself ever been since i got my first colecovision back in 1982 !! :D


yea now that someone brought up that zaxxon looked so realistic on colecovision now it made me remember something ... IIRC


most colecovision games retailed for 39.99 or 29.99 and that zaxxon game was always $10 more than usual colecovision games !!!!





....why does everybody rave about the Coleco Zaxxon port?...it was by far the least popular one in my circle...not only is it a somewhat poor port, the Commodore 64 version is far better....the Coleco one has questionable coloring, and doesn't include the cool tanks from the arcade, or some of the other cool graphic touches one would have expected from Coleco in those days.....

...actually I don't even remember it being given good reviews in those old magazines either.


Am I missing something here?




I just got a CV on eBay with that game, solely for the purpose of playing Zaxxon. I remember when that system came out, I just totally drooled.


I also remember the Pole Position ad, it had a song, I believe, that had words that were only "pole position". sounded kind of like some 80's hair band playing it.

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