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Koffi: Yellow Kopter update


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Hey you 5200 fans. Remember when I was asking for ideas about what people would like to see in a new 5200 game? Well, I (and Tempest and some others here) have been dabbling in making a new 5200 game, and my first one is called Koffi: Yellow Kopter. I updated this page with just a few more visuals to give an idea what stage one look like.




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I just realized that if I stop programming my game now I can release it as a unfinished and unreleased prototype game. I can make a mint selling it on ebay (be the only person in the world to own the only Cypher prototype known to exist!)


You can make an offical announcement on the main page about Cypher if you want, I've decided that I'm definetly going to finish and release it. I'll update my Cypher page tomorrow.



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Originally posted by Cafeman:

my first one is called Koffi: Yellow Kopter. I updated this page with just a few more visuals to give an idea what stage one look like.




Very original concept! Not easy when working within the Classic genre. I'd love to play it as an 8-bit cart.


Please consider adding conditional assembly to your project so you can build an 8-bit or 5200 ROM.

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Yes I was joking about the unfinished prototype idea. Of course if I don't start making some progress soon that's all there's going to be, an unfinished prototype...


So what's with these condition statements? Are you talking about making 400/800 carts from this code as well? Is there any interest in that?



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First thing I would suggest using a header file for your system registers (i.e. 5200.h for the 5200 and 8-bit.h for the 400/800). Then you could use the same labels and the header file would define their locations since they are different.


Then you would need to change your joystick routine because they do read differently. Also the 8-bits don't have the same buttons as the 5200 joystick but those should be easily changed.

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The only problem is that Koffi just might use both firebuttons. I'm trying to prevent that though.


I wonder, once this game is done, if I release the source code (and I plan to once its done), if somebody else would like to perform the 8bit translation? If you knew your stuff, you could do it in under a week I bet. Maybe in 1 night!

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Actually I was going to try and take advantage of the keypad and the second fire button. I wanted to use all the 5200 features, otherwise I might as well just make it for the 400/800. Cafeman's right though, I think the 5200 needs more exclusives but I wouldn't be against doing a 400/800 port later on.


Actually if I ever get that second board going it will most definetly use the keypad (I have an interesting idea). I suppose you could just use the keyboard and spacebar on the 400/800 to simulate the keypad and second fire button...


That's further down the road, I'm not worrying about that yet.



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My next project will use both firebuttons and many of the keypad buttons. That is, if I get Koffi done first and actually get to start a 'next' project.


I originally wanted to use the 2nd firebutton too, just because it was there. But there may really be no need for a game like Koffi. The different actions he must pull off, I think I'd like to make them happen due to the gamers skill rather than just a button press. For example, the lower firebutton will dump water on a fire. But how will he 'douse' the villain cloud? I keep thinking and thinking of the best way, and I think it will some clever use of his regular 'douse water' power combined with clever timing. But we'll see, I should shut up now.

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I was going to have one fire button select the square, and the other do something else like capture a power-up or zap a grid bug (something I may add). But I won't make something just for the sake of using the second fire button, either I need it or I don't.



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Go for the 5200 exclusives guys! The 8-bit has literally thousands of games (including 5200 games) and the 5200 only has what(?) just over a hundred going by the multi-cart.

I need *something* more to justify my buying a 5200 when I already owned the 8-bit, besides just a few games being better with analog controls and the standard collector's reasons. when I first started reading these posts, I too, was thinking it should be made available to both 8-bit and 5200 users, but hey, like I said, us 8-bit users have PLENTY of games and I'm positive we haven't yet seen the end of homebrew 8-bit development either. If someone wants the games in 8-bit versions, either hack it to be compatible and release it on an ftp site for people to use with the emulators and SIO2PC cables, or let some other hackers do it themselves (uyou know someone will eventually). I think 8-bit carts of the game should be out of the question for sure though, it would be the only way to keep it 5200 exclusive in some way-if you want it on a rom cart, you need a 5200! Just my 2c and MHO.



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I need *something* more to justify my buying a 5200 when I already owned the 8-bit, besides just a few games being better with analog controls and the standard collector's reasons.



How many 5200 games decode the analog stick as analog?


I don't think any of them do, similar to the plight of the Vectrex. When Star Raiders was modified for the 5200, that would have benefitted from it tremendously.


That's really the only advantage I can think of for the 5200. The keypad is easily duplicated with the keyboard.


The 8-bit (at least used to) have a much larger userbase than the 5200. The XEGS is an official Atari game system so you could consider the 8-bit itself a console.


Releasing a game for the 5200 vs. the 8-bit is almost like releasing a game for the IBM PC Jr. vs. the PC.

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There are several games that use the analog sensitivity -- Centipede, Missile Command, Realsports Soccer are just three I can think of.


Besides, what I really meant was the way you have to read the 5200's analog stick -- it's basically like reading two paddle inputs (Pot0 and Pot1) on the Atari 8bit, so there would need to be code changes regardless. For example, even if any value pressed left on a 5200 game's code results in the same amount of movement to the left, the code STILL is different from what you'd do with the 8bit. Actually, the 8bit is more simple.

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Bingo! You ever hear of cloud seeding? Maybe you should try that. Maybe you'd have to fire dry ice into the cloud, then catch the rain it produces... taking care to avoid the lightning, of course. To seed the cloud with dry ice "bullets", press up and fire. To douse forest fires, press down and fire.



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Good suggestions, Ress. I already have an idea of how the gameplay will allow you to turn the tables on the villain cloud (and you'll have to, in order to beat each level), but I'm not going to tell what it is.


If the gameplay changes, I'll keep your suggestions in mind though .. who knows?

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