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What's with people?


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What's with people?


Here's a news bulletin: PEOPLE SUCK.


Most people follow the herd. If you do anything different, it's "weird."


Half of all people are average. The remaining 50% are 25% above and 25% below. Stupid people do one thing better than the smart people, and that's make babies. The  world has been for, and run by, assholes for as long as we can remember.


That's why people like Vincent Van Gogh, who only sold ONE painting in his lifetime, end up killing themselves while the rest of the population drinks horse piss Budweiser, calls it the "King" of beers, and sits around every night watching dumb tv shows.


People suck. It's been scientifcially proven. There ya go.


Remember it always.



That was harsh but it's so true. :D



I just hope a smart person someday develops an idiot and evil eliminator and vaporizes the aforementioned stupid and mean people with it :cool:

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This is easy to solve. Set up a "Taste Test" in the lunch room at your work. Have a VCS and an ECKS-BOX beside each other and see which one people flock to. Charge a small fee per turn to raise money for a charity and have your company kick in some as well. Possibly have a classic gaming competition to raise money for charity and boost company morale. I guarantee you the Atari will be the more popular console. Your co-worker is a bloody wanker.

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My brother and I, after playing a few rounds of bowling, got a great idea in our heads: Why not hold a 2600 Bowling tournament with some of his friends and whoever wins, will get a small bowling trophy and all the beer they want.


There happens to be a place going out of business that has such trophies that I think would be pretty cheap to purchase. Might go for that or probably just make a certificate or something.


It's proof though that Atari can still get people excited.

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My brother and I, after playing a few rounds of bowling, got a great idea in our heads: Why not hold a 2600 Bowling tournament with some of his friends and whoever wins, will get a small bowling trophy and all the beer they want.


There happens to be a place going out of business that has such trophies that I think would be pretty cheap to purchase. Might go for that or probably just make a certificate or something.


It's proof though that Atari can still get people excited.




Too bad im not able to attend, I wonder how well i would bowl in the 2600 tournament :?


jetset has seen my name on a plaque in a bowling center by us ;)


I also have a 299 ring. Ive been bowling in tournaments for many years :) 209 average!

Edited by ATARIeric
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It's proof though that Atari can still get people excited.


"Madge, you're soaking in it."




There happens to be a place going out of business that has such trophies that I think would be pretty cheap to purchase.


There's something poetic about that. Sounds like the title to an R.E.M. CD.


I'm 37 years old. I never got a trophy :|

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Even my wife makes fun of my obsession with this. Just yesterday, I got a complete, and I do mean COMPLETE Commodore 64 computer setup, still in its original boxes and plastic, for a mere $5 bucks. And let me tell ya, I got poked at alot from my family for buying "junk". As they say, one person's junk is another's treasure! So, any of you people reading this, if you feel what you have is crap, send me an email at shaggydoo29@yahoo.com , and I will be happy to take that "crap" off your hands!!!


What kind of wife makes fun of her husband for the stuff he enjoys...... bummer..


LOL.. its all in good fun, trust me. Since she gets to poke fun at my stuff, I jab back at her on her Barbie and Care Bear collection!



Yeah any time my wife says something I comment about her obsession with beanie collecting. :lol:


On another note I have a nephew that will occasionally make a comment about a game and then turn around and later on express interest in it. Two such examples are "Animal Crossing" and "MAME".


On the other hand I do like modern games but I tend to be reluctant to involve myself in something too complicated because if I have to drop it for a month or two it is a pain to try to remember all the button presses/combos.


1 stick 1 buttons games are alot easier to remember.

Edited by Shannon
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