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Help! "Breakout" problems...


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OK, apologies if this is in the wrong section, because I wasn't sure if "plug and play" is technically emulation.


And assuming I am not considered an atari poser here for buying this stuff, I have a question. BTW, I have an original system, but there are some games I actually want to PLAY, not just revisit for nostalgia purposes, and I hate depending on decades old electronics (joysticks give me the most trouble), of course the original is first class. So for the record I recognize this- as you will chuckle at my ensuing problems.


I bought the 10 in 1 plug and play for $15, mainly for Adventure. Oddly enough it included a few paddle games (breakout, circus atari, VO). The ten in one is a JOYSTICK plug and play- so they want you to use a joystick for breakout...?! I couldn;t even get past the first level without the analog precision of a paddle.


So, when I saw the PADDLE plug and play, that also included breakout, as well as super breakout (eh), night driver (yes!), and a dozen or so others, I HAD to get it (about twice the price of the joystick plug and play, but came w/two paddles for 2up action).


So the problem now is, while I get ultimate control with the paddle controller on breakout, the COLORS ARE ALL WRONG. It's not just that the bouncing platform and rainbow roof are different colors (they are), but even compared to the joystick plug and play version of breakout (also from same manufacturer-Jakk's Games) the paddle version's colors bleed into each other, are muddy, and very dark.


So my choice is either play with a joystick and have great colors, or get the paddle and sacrifice the display quality.


My question is, do you think there is something inherent in the paddle plug and play that makes it do this (either hardware or programming), or could I have bought a faulty unit. I am a little embarassed to bring an emulation of twenty year old video games back to circuit city saying "Umm, the colors aren't quite right." LOL.

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If you hate the emulated unit that much just take it back. Hell, fabricate something like 'it was a redundant gift', 'the youngsters didn't like it', etc.


Also, oddly, I have the _WORST_ luck with all atari controllers. I have a set of paddles that I rebuilt that I trust and I have some 3rd party sticks that I like. the 2600 metal dimples give me fits.


If you want to do it yourself, go with the 20+ yr old hardware (and the RF video) and build yourself a set of paddles. Rounding up an inexpensive starter deck on E-Bay isn't terribly hard. They are so insanely simple and can make a good starter project. Along the way you will have to:

- Solder

- Order parts from online catalogs

- take a brief stint on the world of mechanical design

- read a schematic (available on the AA website)


I'm a freak, and I like making stuff when I get inspired and I'm just encourageing you to look at alt. solutions past just buying a set off of Ebay. :D



[ Yep... It's that time again... scrub. scrub. scrub.]

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I bought the 10 in 1 plug and play for $15, mainly for Adventure.  Oddly enough it included a few paddle games (breakout, circus atari, VO).  The ten in one is a JOYSTICK plug and play- so they want you to use a joystick for breakout...?! I couldn;t even get past the first level without the analog precision of a paddle.



I have the same problem with the joystick. Breakout and Circus Atari are UNPLAYABLE with the joystick.


So, when I saw the PADDLE plug and play, that also included breakout, as well as super breakout (eh), night driver (yes!), and a dozen or so others, I HAD to get it (about twice the price of the joystick plug and play, but came w/two paddles for 2up action). 


So the problem now is, while I get ultimate control with the paddle controller on breakout, the COLORS ARE ALL WRONG. It's not just that the bouncing platform and rainbow roof are different colors (they are), but even compared to the joystick plug and play version of breakout (also from same manufacturer-Jakk's Games) the paddle version's colors bleed into each other, are muddy, and very dark. 



It could be your battery!



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I have both and I didn't find either circus atari or breakout too bad on the joystick. I prefer the paddle of course, but the paddles I have now remind me of the ones I had as a kid, and they seem fine. I just picked up a sears heavy sixer on ebay, and the paddles it came with seem very tight, which I guess is probably right. I'll have to try them tonight, I guess.

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I have both and I didn't find either circus atari or breakout too bad on the joystick.  I prefer the paddle of course, but the paddles I have now remind me of the ones I had as a kid, and they seem fine.  I just picked up a sears heavy sixer on ebay, and the paddles it came with seem very tight, which I guess is probably right.  I'll have to try them tonight, I guess.



So you have both- do you notice a distinct difference in color/color quality between the stick and paddle? If not, I am thinking mine must be defective. If so, I'll just exchange it. (Don't you love the main paddle? It is different than the player two paddle- solid, heavier, more stable control somehow.)


It does seem like a battery problem. THey were fresh duracells out of the box, but it might be worth it to try a new set.


LOL, glad to hear not everyone is an original/authentic parts snob... I was getting nervous when I found no threads on plug and plays. But for my purposes (playing the games more so than working on the hardware as a hobby), those and the anthologies have me covered. Of course I would have preferred to gone first class, but needed a new power converter, and from what I remember the last time I successfully fired it up, the controllers and carts were inconsistent. (can be remedied, but ultimately=more time and money). One day maybe.


Thanks all.

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