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ST stereo upgrade!

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I just finished installing the 'Tweety board' 3-channel stereo upgrade to my 1040STf (available for $10 from B&C). I figured I might as well do some other upgrades I've been putting off doing while installing my TOS upgrade. This upgrade is FREAKIN' AWSOME! I feel like I'm listening to music and games on the Amiga 2000 I had! I HIGHLY recommend this incredible and EASY upgrade to anyone with an ST (STE and higher already have stereo). I have right, left and center channel speakers hooked up and it sounds wonderful. Most games and music I've tried so far are PERFECTLY suited tothis upgrade. the only downside is for digitized speach and FM sound synthesis that mixes the 3 ST channels together sounds weird on the upgrade, but I still have a mono output to listen to that stuff on, so it's all good. The bass and treble coming out of my speakers is a FANTASTIC step up from the pitiful speaker(s) on the ST monitor. of course I did the mono output mod myself a while back, just connecting a single RCA jack to the sound output pin on the monitor (din) jack, so I've had improved sound output for a while, but this 3-channel stereo upgrade is just too cool; drum beats going back and forth between speakers, one rythm channel coming out of one speaker and a chorus channel out of the other too. I should have installed this a LOONG time ago. it was too easy, just took an extra 10 minutes after upgrading from 2 chip 1.0 TOS to 6 chip 1.4 TOS (also a breeze once I found the proper jumpers to allow the transition. Good, good stuff. I can't say enough good about it! :D :cool: :lust:

Edited by Gunstar
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  • 3 months later...

I wouldn't worry to much about the samples. The come out all f*ed up, but there isn't a whole lot of games (that I recall) that use them all that much.


I had a tweety board in my original 1040st. It was kind of neat, and definitely worth the short install, but it still didn't hold a candle to most proper Amiga stereo sound. But it was cheap at the time :)

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  • 8 years later...

Sorry to bump an old post... I did the stereo mod yesterday, although I didn't follow the diagram here I implemented something similar. All I can say is if your ST isn't stereo then you really should consider doing the mod! I think the same mod needs doing on the STe as well, despite it having stereo DMA the FM output is mono.


Jump to 16:00 if you want to hear examples of what the ST sounds like in stereo.


Edited by GadgetUK
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Yeah, sorry about the blurry capture - it forces capture of interlacing, yet allows me to deinterlace what shows on screen =|. Looks very sharp and brighter than the capture...

Absolutely, Your video encouraged me to play Rod Land and New Zealand Story today. Both games look very nice. Had lots of fun.

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Absolutely, Your video encouraged me to play Rod Land and New Zealand Story today. Both games look very nice. Had lots of fun.

Great =) YouTube has that effect lol. I've been playing D/Generation today since I saw another persons vid earlier on - can't stop playing it, it's great fun lol.

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Sorry to bump an old post... I did the stereo mod yesterday, although I didn't follow the diagram here I implemented something similar. All I can say is if your ST isn't stereo then you really should consider doing the mod! I think the same mod needs doing on the STe as well, despite it having stereo DMA the FM output is mono.


Jump to 16:00 if you want to hear examples of what the ST sounds like in stereo.


it is not to be nit picking, but neither the ST or the STE have FM sound, they only have a very simple tone generator :)

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not to ruin your day completely, but the spectrum +2 did also not have FM, it had the ay8910, and that chip is almost identical with the ym2149,
so you are right the ZX spectrum +2 and Atari ST sound the same.. :D
but maybe you mean the sid sound that you could make on the Atari ST,
eg. through software you made the sound chip volume reg play a wave form, while the tone was on, then you suddenly have one sound that modulated the other,
and that is a little like FM where, one operator modulate the other



btw if you want to play a little around with FM-Synth, what i have made a FM Soft Synth Tracker for windows.


info about the program is here



download it here



and a YM2149 tracker for window i made



but don't download it, i am in the process of remaking the hole program.....

Edited by fedepede04
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not to ruin your day completely, but the spectrum +2 did also not have FM, it had the ay8910, and that chip is almost identical with the ym2149,

so you are right the ZX spectrum +2 and Atari ST sound the same.. :D

but maybe you mean the sid sound that you could make on the Atari ST,

eg. through software you made the sound chip volume reg play a wave form, while the tone was on, then you suddenly have one sound that modulated the other,

and that is a little like FM where, one operator modulate the other



btw if you want to play a little around with FM-Synth, what i have made a FM Soft Synth Tracker for windows.


info about the program is here



download it here



and a YM2149 tracker for window i made



but don't download it, i am in the process of remaking the hole program.....


LOL! I can't win can I =) I always assumed the OPL3 chip in the +2 was an FM chip, it sure sounded like it but apparently not :P


Thanks for the links, interesting stuff =)

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LOL! I can't win can I =) I always assumed the OPL3 chip in the +2 was an FM chip, it sure sounded like it but apparently not :P


Thanks for the links, interesting stuff =)



it wasn't my intention to stomp over you or to get the last word :)

i have just use most of my computer time around sound chip/card and I just noticed the small error and thought that i would mentions it..


you are right that the opl3 is an FM chip but it did not exist then the ZX Spectrum +2 was build i think that the opl2 was existed ,


but for me it look like that after that Amstrad bought Zx Spectrum, that they add some the features to the spectrum that the Amstrad already had



and i am glad that you like the links :)

btw i do like you video, it is a little dark, but the sound quality is good and that is the most important :)

Edited by fedepede04
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Hahaha! And still I make mistakes! I could have sworn the +2 had a OPL3 chip, but I am sure you are right and that it was indeed an OPL2 chip =) On a seperate note I've got some YM2413 chips on the way - and those ARE FM chips (please god don't let me be wrong!!!). I was thinking of interfacing one of these with either the Lynx or the ST, not sure yet. Mainly got them for my Mega Drive and GameGear - for Master System games that support FM.

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Oh, man... I have a Tweety Board sitting around, doing nothing. I didn't see the big deal of splitting the funky Yamaha sound three different directions, but you guys are making me want to drop that thing in there, now!

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Sounds like a fun project for Sunday (my birthday is on Saturday, so I doubt I'll be sober enough to do it then).


Funny thing about the Tweety Board; you stick it to the top of the YM2149 with double-faced tape (solderless). I got mine used, so I am going to have to get some more double-faced tape, but now I am intrigued by all of this and am curious how games will sound going through my home theatre setup... :twisted:

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