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Favorite joystick


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OK, let's hear it. Obviously, the standard ones are somewhat lame, even when they do WORK!


I've had the pleasure of using a WICO Command Control and the Comp Pro. Additionally, I just acquired a Boxed Masterplay, and to tell you the truth, I really enjoyed using the EPYX 500XJ joystick with the masterplay on most of these games!!


However, I think the WICO, even though a bit mushy feeling, is my vote for the best overall controller. Anyone got a Fire Command or Triga Elite out there? Now THOSE are something special, from what I hear!!!


The 5200 track ball is also damn nice to play a select few games like Missile Command and Centipede.


I also made my own custom paddle controller out of a converted 2600 paddle that plugs into the WICO Y cable, and really works great for Super Breakout. No jitter too!

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  • 1 month later...

Wico Command Control with the Wico Keyboard, best combo possible. The standard CX52 is still the best single overall choice, since it's still available and since most 5200 games were designed to respond to the analog control. And the CX53 Trak-Ball may be the most reliable 5200 control of all time. Keep your Comp Pros and Masterplays, Wicos and fresh River Raids for my men!

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  • 4 years later...

i prefer using a" redemption 5200" adaptor with a 5200 stick/or the 5200 trackball plugged in for the use of the start /pause/reset/buttons and keypad ..and to play the games that require a joystick i use a sega genesis pad because the standard 5200 sticks are poorly designed . but the 5200 track ball is awesome! (i just got mine today from a ebay auction) its a shame the sticks were not as well built though

Edited by darklord1977
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Wico Controller for the 5200, but do use the redemption and play with the 2600 and 7800 controller. Anything to avoid the awful 5200 one.

For the 7800's 7800 games, I try and use the 2600 one for the ones with one fire button games. I have no problem with using the 7800 one, but it can make your hand uncomfortable after a while.

When that happens, I will immediately break out the joypad for the 7800.

For the 7800's 2600 games, standard old 2600 joystick.

Don't really have a certain favorite. Just use certain things for the systems depending on the games too.

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Wow, this is an old thread...


I use standard 5200 sticks.


Sometimes I wonder how anyone diggs up 5 year old threads...especially generic ones like this one that have been done to death several times.



As for the topic, I use the standard controller for some games, but usually I use the 7800 redemption with my modified RSI Stick or NES>7800 pad :cool:


Edited by Lord Helmet
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Years ago when this thread was created, I would have said the stock controllers or WICO as that is all I had at the time.


Today, my favorite 5200 controller would have to be the Starcon followed by the Competition Pro. My favorite alternative, however, is the Masterplay used with a modified NES pad that plays on the 7800. I also really enjoy using paddles on games like Castle Crisis and of course really like the trakball.

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