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Stella for Mac

Lady Jaye

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I don't have any problem right now with Stella, but I did not that long ago.


When I originally downloaded Stella, it was the next-to-last version, the one that still didn't have inputsprocket. Aside from that detail, it worked fine. Then, I heard through emulation.net that there was a new version out. I tried it out... and although it did have inputsprocket, the frame speed had trickled down to a mere 10 frames per second (man, playing Ms. Pac-Man in slo mo can be so painful!).


Anyway, I had some computer problems but then upgraded CarbonLib to 1.4 and went from OS 9.0.4 to OS 9.1. Apparently that was enough to solve the problem and Stella now runs perfectly well.


Do you guys think the slow frame speed was due to the OS used (9.0.4 is known for being buggy), or was it because of CarbonLib? BTW, I have an iMac 350 MhZ with 64 meg ram and a 6 gig hard disk.

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My best guess is that it was because of the OS, since it cleared itself up with an upgrade. The only other factor could be your memory -- with only 64 Megs of RAM there's not a whole heck of alot of space left for apps to be open. My OS 9.1 (which in general is a total memory-hog) takes up almost 30 Megs itself, so if you had anything else open, it could have been slowing the system down quite a bit.

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