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65XE easy to up-grade


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If you have a 65XE with only 2 Rams (64K), like this:



Note this label inside.



You can make ram upgrade very easily:


Remove 3 resistors, to solder the correct chip:



put one CO25953



put 2 extra rams




Now you have a nice 65XE with 130K ram.

Edited by ZZTOP SOFT
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It's easy becuase it's really a 130xe board which was meant for twice the memory. he may indded be an electronics engineer, but for a modification like this someone would not need to be one, one semester of electronics classes would be all that is needed to figure this mod out...very interesting though, I didn't know some (or all?) 65XE's had 130XE motherboards in them!

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I'm sure people probably still using home computers back in our contries :)


People all over the world (including North American's like myself), are still using Atari home computers! not just you South American's! ;)

Edited by Gunstar
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Nice!! good work. Are you an electronics engineer?


jejeje, tks, i'm not electronic engineer, but i have some knowledge about electronics and Atari of course.


I didn't know some (or all?) 65XE's had 130XE motherboards in them!

Not every 65XE can be mod. by that way.


People all over the world (including North American's like myself), are still using Atari home computers! not just you South American's! ;)

Good...good...I use my 800xl every days, Atari have many years of entertaintment to us, lets keep playing, modding, repairing.....(or burning :x ).... :D

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Good...good...I use my 800xl every days, Atari have many years of entertaintment to us, lets keep playing, modding, repairing.....(or burning :x ).... :D



Yes! I use mine everyday still too, for games, graphics and even word-processing and midi keyboards among other things. I will continue to use it as many years as I can. :cool: I am currently upgrading my 1200Xl to 1 megabyte memory and IDE hardrive in it, as well as repairing some hardware "bugs" it has like no S-video. I mainly use my 130XE everyday, and occasionally my 800, but once I am done modifying my 1200XL, it will be my main computer for Atari 8-bits!

Edited by Gunstar
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I use my Atari everyday for programming mainly, basic stuff, i don't have time for more than that, also i have a 65 xe with 130xe casing and the 130 xe board, maybe i will try the mod one of this weekends....


i allways tought it was a 800xe....


mmmmm.... :?

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Good...good...I use my 800xl every days, Atari have many years of entertaintment to us, lets keep playing, modding, repairing.....(or burning :x ).... :D



Yes! I use mine everyday still too, for games, graphics and even word-processing and midi keyboards among other things. I will continue to use it as many years as I can. :cool: I am currently upgrading my 1200Xl to 1 megabyte memory and IDE hardrive in it, as well as repairing some hardware "bugs" it has like no S-video. I mainly use my 130XE everyday, and occasionally my 800, but once I am done modifying my 1200XL, it will be my main computer for Atari 8-bits!



What memory upgrade are you doing to your 1200XL Gunstar? Also, what IDE interface are you using? I've been looking into the Atari-Max IDE+Flash cart, but for the 1200XL, I really would prefer an internal solution. I got a laptop HD from my brother, so that will fit nicely in the 1200XL case.


BTW - if you haven't done the ClearPic (Super Video on the 130XE) upgrade, I would recommend it. It made a noticable difference to my 130XE. I am going to put together a chroma/luma cable (I'm using a 1084S monitor) sometime this weekend. Can't wait to see how the video is then.


Stephen Anderson

Edited by Stephen
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and now for the bad news: these XE`s were made in China. They all have faulty GTIA chips (which have to be replaced with good ones). The faulty GTIA chips in these machines "have problems" with gr. modes 9, 10 and 11...


Next, these chinese machines have the new XE OS which will say "copyright Atari 1985" (instead of 1983 which it did before). Alas, the 1200XL special keys are gone in the selftest and I am not sure if they are still available in the OS. The OS has a new revision number, making some programs incompatible which look for that number...


the Memory test will also test the additional 64k XRAM (shows 4 blocks which should be 16k XRAM each). alas, if you want to enhance such a machine further (more than 128k RAM, e.g. 320k RAM) it does not work, unless you replace the new XE OS with an older XL OS...


Thus, upgrading these machines is nice (and maybe easy if you have a Gate Array chip at reserve somewhere), but the bugs and incompatibilities these machines have are not so nice... -Andreas.

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and now for the bad news: these XE`s were made in China. They all have faulty GTIA chips


Not true. My 130XE-based 65XE was built in Taiwan, and hasn't got bad GTIA.

Next, these chinese machines have the new XE OS (...) Alas, the 1200XL special keys are gone in the selftest and I am not sure if they are still available in the OS.


Yes they are. Checked one day with a screwdriver and a handful of wires :cool:

The OS has a new revision number, making some programs incompatible which look for that number...


Personally, I've never met such programs, could you name some of them?

the Memory test will also test the additional 64k XRAM (shows 4 blocks which should be 16k XRAM each). alas, if you want to enhance such a machine further (more than 128k RAM, e.g. 320k RAM) it does not work (...)


Did you mean the computer doesn't run, the Self Test doesn't run, or the extended RAM is unusable?

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a friend of mine has such a 65XE (made in China). He replaced the faulty GTIA and upgraded to 128k RAM. When he wanted to upgrade to 320k RAM later, the computer did not work anymore. So he examined his upgrade and searched for errors, but found none. When he finally replaced the newer XE OS with an older XL OS the computer worked fine again (and the 320k RAM was fully usable)...


Again, upgrading is easy for such machines, but the bugs (faulty GTIA, etc.) are not so nice. And it is not always easy or cheap to find that Gate Array chip...



For the incompatibility problem because of the new OS revision number: there were several old Atari XL games that checked it for copy protection reasons. The only one I can remember right now is Encounter by Novagen, it will not work on these machines. Think someone reported me that some older carts (Pacman? and some others) do also not work at all on these machines. In my PD collection I found two programs that did not work: Fast Packer (by SRU) and Muad Dib Demo (by Hurek), but I am not sure if this also has to do with the revision number or some other XE OS changes (or illegal OS calls/jumps by these programs)...



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(and maybe easy if you have a Gate Array chip at reserve somewhere)


Yup, because i have many non-working 130XE.

You can get Gate Array chip from a bad 130XE, is a problem of search and found.


Every knows, even in Chile (so far in the world), the bad quality of the last 65XE made in China and Taiwan (excuse me if your country are of Taiwan or China) the problem is with the manufacturers and the cut of productions cost.

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