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color jpeg viewer


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Cool. I'll have to check those out. But this brings up another question. Back in the early 90's there was a fellow by the name of Jeff Potter who made several remarkable viewer and drwaing programs for the Atari; Apacview which displayed GIF pictures in a full 256 colors with resolutions of 80x96 and 80x192 (intelaced) which used GTIA graphics modes 9 and 11 on every other line (or interlaced with minor flickering) to get all those colors onscreen (similiar to Red Rat software's paint program Technicolor Dreams), another called Colorview which displayed GIF pictures in 4,96 colors on screen using 3 seperate screens "page-flipped" of red. green and blue to get the job done, it was 80x192 resolution also. He also made ILBMREAD which converted Amiga pictures to Atari 8-bit and and another program to display ST Degas and Degas Elite pictures that I forget the name of. Lastly, he made a program called GIFNCODE which turned Atari 8-bit pictures of any graphci mode, including the Apacview and Colorview into GIF pictures to be translated to other platforms. I use to have all of these, as well as several paint programs like APACpaint and Escalpaint, but I lost them all when I moved from southern California back in '99. They were all orignally released on the AIM (Atari Interface Magazine) monthly disk back in the early 90's. Does anyone know where to find these great programs anymore?

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Apacview converts GIF87a into Atari gr.9, gr. 9+11 (apac) or R,G,B mode (9 and 15). Jview converts GIF87a into Atari gr.8, 9, 15 and R,G,B or RGB (modes 8, 9 and 15). Alas none of them converts GIF into the newer formats HIP, RIP and TIP...


CPEGview seems to "convert" JPG pix into Atari Gr. 8 +11, Gr. 9 + 11 and Gr. 15 + 11 (or the other way around Gr. 11 + Gr, 8,9,15). Alas, as of yet, a save function is missing, thus CPEGview is only a viewer (ok, thats why it is called CPEGview). Hopefully it will be a converter program (with save function) soon...


Besides, I found a small bug: You can load and view a JPG pic fine. Now load the same or any other JPG pic and it will appear with stripes. Switch off the Atari and back on again, then load a JPG again - it will appear without stripes. Reload it again - and now it has stripes again...


In short: The first attempt to load a JPG works fine, the second attempt to load (the same or a different) JPG picture produces nasty stripes, independent of the Atari gr. mode you have chosen... Hope this gets corrected soon...


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I finally got around to trying CPEGview last week and it looked better than what I was expecting. The color "layer" didn't flicker at all.


I didn't see the "stripes" problem that you described.


Sometimes after a pic loaded though it would be shifted down the screen so that it just went off the bottom edge. I'm guessing it was only because my 800XL isn't 100% stable ever since the MyIDE installation (probably the NCR CPU that Mr. Atari warned me about)

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