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emulators work with digital disc images (ATR or DCM) on atari 800win plus...


so... if you want to load a basic program from "D:" you must be sure that a proper disc image with the basic program is assigned into D1:-drive


BUT you need a DOS to load basic files 1st... so you have to boot one. normally you have on basic ATRs the files DOS.SYS and or DUP.SYS


which are the Disc operating system. DOS.sys is the boot code and contains all major routines and DUP.SYS is the menue which will be loaded when entering "DOS" in Basic.



hopes this helps...

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I should point out that when saving programs within Atari Basic (or dos, for that matter), they can be named anything you choose (it's irrelivant to Basic if you add the wrong extension, or bother to add it at all). Most people add the extension .bas to basic programs as a reminder to themselves (or others that will be using the program) that it was written using the SAVE command, and should be LOADed instead of ENTERed or dos-loaded.

Also, you can use the emulator's hard disk function to save files directly to a folder on your PC. This allows the entire folder you select to be treated as a floppy disk. If you have downloaded .bas files from sites such as the Antic Archive...they should be placed in a "hard drive" folder so that the emulator can "see" them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

All DOS versions will be able to see it, as long as an .atr file that has dos.sys on it is selected as drive 1 when you restart the emulator. The hard drive folder will function just like a seperate disk drive.

Since you would SAVE"D1:PROGRAM.BAS" to write the file to drive 1, simply SAVE"H1:PROGRAM.BAS" instead (H: WILL be accepted as a valid device). Atari800Win allows four seperate folders to be handled by the H: device (since Atari hardware supports four drives).


Try this...

Configure the emulator using alt-d to select the DOS .atr file, and alt-h to select any folder on your PC. Restart the emulator by pressing shift-F5. When DOS has finished booting and you see the READY prompt, type DOS. Type the letter A to bring up the directory, and use H1: when asked for the drive number. All files in that folder will be displayed if it is working correctly.


[ 01-19-2002: Message edited by: Nukey Shay ]

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Thanks for the tips. However, I'm experiencing some rather strange behaviour from Atari800Win Plus...


I managed to get the hard drives working... sort of. I can read and write files, but when I try to get a file listing of its contents, I get no files (even though files are there and I can load them). Very odd.


Also, When I set up an ATR image in any of drives D3 to D7 (and D8 if I'm not using DOS 2.5), All DOSes fail to read the drive, returning error 160. Drives D1 and D2 work fine.


These problems appear to happen no matter which DOS I'm using, nor does it seem to matter which OS I'm running.


Any suggestions as to what my problem might be would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Error 160 means that you have entered an invalid drive number (or that the computer cannot detect the drive). The .atr's and folders need to be selected and then a cold restart performed to get past this. I don't know how you manage to use EIGHT drives, since my version only uses drives 1 through 4 (four paths in alt-d, and four paths in alt-h). When setting up the drives, use the lowest available numbers first...with a dos disk image in D1 (if you have images selected in d1 and d3 but nothing in d2...the computer may not detect drive 3).

When listing hard drive directories, you might try using H1:*.* as the drive/filespec...but I didn't need to add those wildcards on mine (?).

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I should have mentioned that I'm using Atari800Win Plus v2.8, which supports eight drives and four hard drives.


I had already tried the cold restart after "putting" a disk in drive 3 (and having disks in drives 1 and 2). D3-D8 simply aren't seen. I don't know why. Perhaps a bug in this version of the emulator?


As for the hard drive, I've also already tried cold restarts, typing H:, H1:, H:*.*, H1:*.*, and typing the names of specific files I know to be there, but it returns nothing (though, as I mentioned, the files will still load).


Interestingly enough, if I point the hard drive to a directory containing a bunch of ATR files, they show up fine when I do a dir of the hard drive; it only seems to return nothing when I try to list a "hard drive" containing files I wrote using the emulator itself.

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Looks like you're outta luck.

From the help file for version 2.8...


Currently only ‘read file’ and ‘write file’ operations are supported by the H: device (delete file, rename file etc. won’t work).


Apparently that goes for directory listings as well...and would also affect disk operations within programs (i.e. XIO commands).

It also mentions the possiblity of additional problems operating in Win2000 and WinMe...but it shouldn't be too long to get those sorted out (a beta release of 3.0 is being worked on).

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i am not sure... as i developed senso on a7800 i used turbo basic and atari 800win 2.8 plus to generate the big sprites for the a7800 and i had no problems getting files transfered from harddisk and vice verser even with dos 2.5 directly on my pc harddisc out of the basic programm (f.e. open #1,8,0,"H1:bigsprite.bin":bput #1,adress,8192:close#1")



and directory seems also no problem. boot turbobasic.atr and type DIR H1:*.*


the wildcard is important.


so the only thing what could be causing problems is using the wrong DOS on atari which does not support long filesnames and many filesnames. so bibodos, mydos, spartados, bewedos should be working perfectly with harddisk... maybe i am complety wrong... but...

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That's what it says in the help file. It must be less than a 100%-sure type deal...maybe depending on what else is running in the background. My computer has RealOne player, System monitor, DirectX 8, Crystal Semiconductor sound drivers, USB mouse drivers, Gravis GrIP manager running in the system tray...and is a Celeron466 overclocked to 610.

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to krokus:


i saw your programes on your website. it seems you have understand atari right. because you used gtia/antic well because you are choosing / changing displaylists and gfx modes very well and in a very nice way.


i also discovered the softscrolling text-scroller which seems to use DLI, too. for the text-effect...


indead.... well done...

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All I want to know is:


Why the heck isn't the first 5200 fire button supported in Atari800WinPlus!!!


It is for me the best 5200 emu in the Windows enviroment. But the lack of the first fire button being supported makes many games impossible to play!!!


Just curious...

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Originally posted by -^Cro§Bow^-:

All I want to know is:


Why the heck isn't the first 5200 fire button supported in Atari800WinPlus!!!


It is for me the best 5200 emu in the Windows enviroment. But the lack of the first fire button being supported makes many games impossible to play!!!


Just curious...



There are two ways to capture the top fire button on the 5200. When the top fire button is pressed it:

1) treats it as if the shift key was pressed on the 400/800.

2) causes a break key interrupt.


When using Atari800WinPlus as a test platform for my 5200 programming I found that it does emulate the top fire button if the program uses the SHIFT key mechanism. The emulator doesn't seem to like the break key interrupt.

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Hmm..according the built in Help in Atari800winPlus...


The shift key is the second fire button on the 5200. But the help does not display what which keyboard key is mapped as the first fire button.


Basically this makes games like Moon Patrol and Popeye impossible to play because your unable to jump in Moon patrol..and in Popeye you can't punch!!


I just find it odd that with all the other support this emu has...that the first fire button wasn't emulated somewhere.


Maybe I am missing it...but if it is there...then tell me which key they have it mapped to..so I can reassign it in the emulated to be closer to the shift key or something.

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Hmm..according the built in Help in Atari800winPlus...

The shift key is the second fire button on the 5200. But the help does not display what which keyboard key is mapped as the first fire button.


The top fire button is mapped to the SHIFT key of your computer.


Basically this makes games like Moon Patrol and Popeye impossible to play because your unable to jump in Moon patrol..and in Popeye you can't punch!!


I just find it odd that with all the other support this emu has...that the first fire button wasn't emulated somewhere.


I looked at the code for Moon Patrol (briefly) and it uses the break interrupt to signal that the upper fire button was pressed (jumps to location $BB02). I couldn't get the Popeye ROM from AtariAge to load so I couldn't check it. Now when I look at Xevious which uses the upper fire button to drop bombs, it uses the SHIFT key technique (no BREAK KEY vector).


This is how you can see this. Once the game has started go to the monitor by pressing F8. Now look at memory location $00 which is POKMSK. If the decimal value there is greater than 128 (bit 7 is set) the game will use the break key interrupt vector.


I agree with you. Atari800WinPlus only needs to emulate the BREAK KEY interrupt for it to be a full 5200 emulator.

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