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What games do you own? And which have u completed?

Ross PK

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I've got,




Ninja (completed)

NYC (completed)

Olllies Follies

One Man And His Droid

Rockford (Crystal Raider on side B)


Spy Hunter


Chuckie Egg (think I've completed this one)




The Goonies

Freaky Factory

Action Biker

Atack Of The Mutant Camels

Blue Max

Caverns Of Khafka

Journey To The Planets (The one I have is by JV Software and I was surprised to see it got a 9 on the rarity scale on Atarimania, guess I was really lucky to get it for just £2.00 on ebay :D ) (completed)





Popeye (completed)

Rescue On Fractualas

Star Raiders II (completed)

Miner 2049er

Mountain King

Pitfall II

Moon Patrol (completed)

Donkey Kong JR

Donkey Kong

Archon (boxed like new) (completed I think)



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hopefully "completed" means "finished" or "reached the end" here and not complete as a collection of program + manual + package. Because I tend to collect only the program(s) and its manual(s), but not the package. If my first guess is true, I do have the following programs in my collection:


- approx. 120 cart. games (including commercial, prototype and selfmade carts);

completed: Pitstop, Pole Position, Archon, Dark Chambers, Dandy, Atari Chess

and maybe a few others;


- approx. 20-30 tape games (only commercial ones);

completed: Ninja and maybe others I do not remember right now;


- approx. 40 disk games (mostly commercial ones);

completed: Fort Apocalypse, Deimos (polish clone of Montezumas Revenge; not

sure if the game really ends when you reach the room with the holy grail; could

not take it with me; but all other rooms were cleared, so there was nothing left

to do...);


almost finished: Bruce Lee (18 of 20 screens), Conan (1 level left), Henry`s House (1 level left), Snokie?, Fred? (here I guess that I once was near the end);


always a loser: Archon 2 Adept (against computer), Mirax Force, Piekielko, Amauroute and many many other A8 games;


not the time to play or finish: Seven Cieties of Gold, the Ultima Series 1-4, AR City + Dungeon, Wizards Crown + Eternal Dagger and most other role-playing games;


I also finished some german commercial games and german PD games, but I think they don`t count here, since you most likely do not know them... -Andreas.


P.S.: Think I would count as a lier if I said, that I won (3D) Tic Tac Toe... harhar!

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Think I completed the following:-


Pitfall 2, Henrys House, Ninja, Feud, Bruce Lee, Ghost Chaser, Beer belly Bizz(or whatever its called), Nuclear Nick, Blinkys Scary School ..and probably a load more


Games I almost Completed:-


Draconus, Alernate Reality: The Dungeon(couldn't do one of the missions)


Games which are almost\are impossible(unless anyone can prove me otherwise):-


Pyramid Run (Game had a bug where the lighting would just keep hitting you)

Masters of the Lamp (Toooo fast! at later levels)

House of Usher (Just damn difficult)

Cohens Tower (The collision detection is god awful)

Jet Set Willy (Plagued with logic bugs within the programming?)

Universal hero (It crashed at a certain point)



I do own the original Alternate Reality: The Dungeon - :)

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Way too much stuff to list that I own :D - A few Highlights - Bounty Bob Strikes Back, Diamond OS Cart ;)


Finished stuff -


Bruce Lee, Ultima 1 - 4, Ulyssess and the Golden Fleece, Getaway (all the different levels), Archon, 7 Cities, AR The City & Dungeon(found pretty much everything), Candy Factory, Moon Patrol, Threshold - way too much stuff to list :)


What I didnt finish -


Dallas Quest - There was a screen where you had to jump on these stupid rocks across a quicksand pit(?) - I wasted waaaay to much time trying to get over and couldnt - the disk loading time to return was terrible so I gave up.


There was some 'Sirius' graphic adventure with Aliens - got stuck on that


Asylum - Neat graphics but couldnt escape :)


Last V8 - not sure you CAN win this one!

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Bunch of multicarts

MULE cart

Pitfall II

Boulderdash cart


Completed at some point (way back when):


Spelunker (this was a >hard< game)

Ultima 2-3-4

Jumpman and Jumpman Jr.

Miner 2049er

AR: The Dungeon (all major quests--the game doesn't end...)

Bruce Lee


+lots of stuff I've probably forgotten.


Still haven't finished The Eidolon yet...


--The Eidolon

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hopefully "completed" means "finished" or "reached the end" here and not complete as a collection of program + manual + package. Because I tend to collect only the program(s) and its manual(s), but not the package. If my first guess is true, I do have the following programs in my collection:


- approx. 120 cart. games (including commercial, prototype and selfmade carts);

  completed: Pitstop, Pole Position, Archon, Dark Chambers, Dandy, Atari Chess

  and maybe a few others;


- approx. 20-30 tape games (only commercial ones);

  completed: Ninja and maybe others I do not remember right now;


- approx. 40 disk games (mostly commercial ones);

  completed: Fort Apocalypse, Deimos (polish clone of Montezumas Revenge; not

  sure if the game really ends when you reach the room with the holy grail; could

  not take it with me; but all other rooms were cleared, so there was nothing left

  to do...);


almost finished: Bruce Lee (18 of 20 screens), Conan (1 level left), Henry`s House (1 level left), Snokie?, Fred? (here I guess that I once was near the end);


always a loser: Archon 2 Adept (against computer), Mirax Force, Piekielko, Amauroute and many many other A8 games;


not the time to play or finish: Seven Cieties of Gold, the Ultima Series 1-4, AR City + Dungeon, Wizards Crown + Eternal Dagger and most other role-playing games;


I also finished some german commercial games and german PD games, but I think they don`t count here, since you most likely do not know them...  -Andreas.


P.S.: Think I would count as a lier if I said, that I won (3D) Tic Tac Toe... harhar!



Yeah, I mean reached the end or at least completed the variety of levels on offer before it loops round again. The games seem so much easier now I'm older compared to when I was a nipper. :P


As far as manuals and packages all of my tapes are complete except for Blue Max and Necromancer, there's no inlay (is that the right word?) in the cases.


And all my carts don't have boxes or manuals except for Archon.

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I used to own a fair amount of these, mainly as tape copies from a friend, but mostly the budget Mastertronic stuff, etc which I bought myself.


I now own them all as ATRs or COMs, and I don't feel guilty about it.


I have completed Bruce Lee a few times, as well as Ninja, and I've gotten so far into Defender that I've managed to reset both the score and the wave counter!


There was this other great game that was Atari 8-bit only called Powerdown, and I think I completed that twice! Certainly a great puzzle/timing/shooting game.

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I think the "hardest" 8-bit I completed (without any cheating) was Spelunker. Spent lot of times playing that game. Love it, really great game.


I "completed" (sort of) Lode Runner Championship as well, another very hard game. But I skipped, as I recall, a couple of levels in the middle. And I didn't complete it in a single session from the start to the end, plus added myself as many lives as I needed.


I do remember I did the last screen only once (or perhaps twice). When I tried LRC in subsequent years, I suceeded at most of the screens except the last one. Never was able to did it again.


Dallas Quest - There was a screen where you had to jump on these stupid rocks across a quicksand pit(?) - I wasted waaaay to much time trying to get over and couldnt - the disk loading time to return was terrible so I gave up.


I completed DQ long time ago. Sorry, don't remember too much. I remember there is help (clues and hints) available though in the game itself. Did you try them?

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I think the "hardest" 8-bit I completed (without any cheating) was Spelunker. Spent lot of times playing that game. Love it, really great game.


I "completed" (sort of) Lode Runner Championship as well, another very hard game. But I skipped, as I recall, a couple of levels in the middle. And I didn't complete it in a single session from the start to the end, plus added myself as many lives as I needed.


I do remember I did the last screen only once (or perhaps twice). When I tried LRC in subsequent years, I suceeded at most of the screens except the last one. Never was able to did it again.


Dallas Quest - There was a screen where you had to jump on these stupid rocks across a quicksand pit(?) - I wasted waaaay to much time trying to get over and couldnt - the disk loading time to return was terrible so I gave up.


I completed DQ long time ago. Sorry, don't remember too much. I remember there is help (clues and hints) available though in the game itself. Did you try them?



Yes - however there was 1 spot you had to move quickly across some rocks in quicksand which I was unable to complete and the reload time killed any interest in finishing.

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I just don't know anymore. that would take a day to do game inventory and then a day or two of total recall to remember all I had finished or not. I can still say with confidence that finished games in my collection(s) are in the minority, but I don't think by much. I have lots of games that I intend to finish someday, and it's not becuase they aren't riveting enough games, but that I bought too many good games on the cheap out of bargain bins and just haven't gotten around to finishing them all yet, all the way back to the 8-bit. Sorry, I thought the question meant all games EVER, and not just the 8-bit until I started reading more posts. So I edited this explanation in.


As for actual 8-bit games I own, I do still have a few, but the vast majority of hundreds of disk were lost at some point on a move across the nation, which I've done 3 times. My 8-bit stuff was boxed up for about 6-7 years in the late 90's early 00's and one of my most important software boxes was lost. I've pretty much just download .atr's of all the games I used to own. In many cases I do still have original manuals. Even with the 8-bit, recalling what games I'd finished would take a while and the list would be long.

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A few great ones have been mentioned that I had fun with.


The Seven Cities of Gold, now that was a great game!!!


My brother and I spent too much time playing around with Dallas Quest also.


Broadsides was pretty interesting.


A couple of favorites:


Mail Order Monsters - very fun monster battle with multiple players and great because you can customize your monster and save and improve your monsters to fight with other player's monsters later. I had the whole neighborhood over at my house on several occassions and this is the one of the main games that kept everyone competing and having fun with. It's a good mix of action and strategy that keeps almost any crowd having fun.


Some others that come to mind; Boulderdash, Loadrunner, BeachHead, Spelunker, Karateka, Summer Games, Spy Hunter, Ghost Busters, Goonies, Racing Destruction Set! Too many to list!


My friends and I mostly liked the multiplayer or two or more player games the most, any good game where we could compete with each other.

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Well dont know if I qualify since I didn't really "own" alot of these back in the day. (Hey I was a poor teenager with no income).


But going by the lists posted here (yes I'm lazy).


Blue Max (I think)

Bruce Lee

Defender (looped score)

Eidolon, The

Ghost Busters

Goonie, The




Miner 2049er

Missile Command (looped score)

Mr Robot & His Robot Factory


Pitfall II


Rainbow Walker (thanks to HSC)

Sea Dragon

Shamus Case I (although I cheated)


Star Raiders

Star Raiders II (and Last Starfighter)

Ultima III

Whistler's Brother



Several infocom games including Zork I-III, spellbreaker, sorceror, enchanter, planetfall, hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, suspended (cool game), cuththroats, hollywood hijinx, Leather Goddesses of Phobos, stationfall, wishbringer (blech).


A few scott adams adventures but I'd be hard pressed to remember which ones specifically.


I was really good at Frogger as well, but not sure if I've flipped the score. My brother used to get annoyed with the music cause I was able to play it so long.

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