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Atari 400 game sites...

Jess Ragan

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Someone mentioned that they were looking for sites with old Atari 400 computer games on them, and I remember that there was a great page filled with .atr files... it had a simple blue and yellow layout but there were a whole lot of games on it. Does anyone remember this site and its address? I can't for the life of me recall what it was.



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I was looking for 8-bit sites, I don't know if I'm who your refering too, but I know of a couple, one is holme's 8-bit games site and there is another one too that is real good. I don't know if either is the one your refering too, but you might give them a shot. I'll get back to you on the addresses. In the meantime, check the links page here at AtariAGe, for all I know they might be there...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Correction...Holmes has most of the game .atr's, but you don't see many other types of images there (like utilities, languages, etc.). Still looking for one of those.


How about adding the Holmes site to your links? It's been posted often enough.


[ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: Nukey Shay ]

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Originally posted by Nukey Shay:

Correction...Holmes has most of the game .atr's, but you don't see many other types of images there (like utilities, languages, etc.). Still looking for one of those.


How about adding the Holmes site to your links? It's been posted often enough.


[ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: Nukey Shay ]


Holme's site does have ton of games, but it does really only have about 75-80% of them. I've been all over the net looking for 8-bit games and there are a LOT on other sites that are not there, if we're talking *all* Atari programs including utilities and languages and such, drop that percentage down to about 50%. It has most of the U.S. releases (still missing some of those too), but it lacks a TON of games from across the Atlantic where Atari's impact out lasted that of the U.S.

One site alone, that has a lot of games not at the Holmes site is Mr. Bacardi's page at: http://people.freenet.de/mrbacardi/

Mind you, that's just *one* site with a few more...there are a lot of others too.

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