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I need help with 8-bit emulators and"save" feature


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Guys and Gals,


The Atari 800xl was my first computer and I have very fond memories of it. Unfortunately it gave up the ghost about 5 years ago.


Recently I discovered emulators like 800WinPlus, Xformer 2000, etc.. The 800 WinPlus has run all of my old store bought software with out fail (I refused to throw away my old 8-bit games when my 800xl died).


I then remembered that I had an Atari BASIC program that I had written 20 years ago. Alas, I no longer had it on disk, but I had a hard copy print out of the program. So, I decided I would re-key the program back in.


Here's the problem; I found I couldn't save my Atari BASIC program as a stand alone file. I had to save it in a "virtual disk" format (at least with 800WinPlus and Xformer 2000).


I want to save it as I seperate file so I can give the finished program to friends who are already running an emulator.


Did I miss something in the documentation? Can this even be done? If so, which emulator? How? Etc..


Thanks for any and all help in this matter...


Private Eye

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The Atari 800xl was my first computer and I have very fond memories of it. Unfortunately it gave up the ghost about 5 years ago.


I had an Atari 800 as my first "Computer" but I didn't give it up but I gave it to my best friend and he still has it and whien I go visit him (he lives in Ohio and I live in P.A.) we still play around with it for hours and hours. :cool:


Recently I discovered emulators like 800WinPlus, Xformer 2000, etc.. The 800 WinPlus has run all of my old store bought software with out fail


I discovered them about 2 years ago and I use Xformer 2000 for windows v.8 and it sure brings back some great memories. :cool:


I then remembered that I had an Atari BASIC program that I had written 20 years ago


We have about 150 basic programs that my best friend and I typed in, a few of which we were going to sell to Atari but they went belly up before we could finish the programs and we put in a few all nighters too :cool:

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In Atari800Win you can use one of the virtual hard drives to save your basic program as a stand-alone file.



Mr. Fish,


Thanks for the wonderful advice!


Saving the program to a virtual hard drive works perfectly. It was not something I had thought of since my original Atari had no hard drive feature.


Now I have a perfect stand alone file.


Kudos to you!


Private Eye

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The Atari 800xl was my first computer and I have very fond memories of it. Unfortunately it gave up the ghost about 5 years ago.


I had an Atari 800 as my first "Computer" but I didn't give it up but I gave it to my best friend and he still has it and whien I go visit him (he lives in Ohio and I live in P.A.) we still play around with it for hours and hours. :cool:


Recently I discovered emulators like 800WinPlus, Xformer 2000, etc.. The 800 WinPlus has run all of my old store bought software with out fail


I discovered them about 2 years ago and I use Xformer 2000 for windows v.8 and it sure brings back some great memories. :cool:


I then remembered that I had an Atari BASIC program that I had written 20 years ago


We have about 150 basic programs that my best friend and I typed in, a few of which we were going to sell to Atari but they went belly up before we could finish the programs and we put in a few all nighters too :cool:






I'm sure you will agree that, for it's day, Atari computers were the most "user friendly" computers. They inspired a lot of people (including me) to believe that computers weren't just for "super geeks".


Atari put computers in the hands of the average consumer. Having an Atari took the anxiety out of buying my first IBM based computer.


I still own (and thanks to emulators) can still play the 120 "original boxed" games that I held onto. Thank God for sentiment or I might have pitched those games when my 800xl died.


Now, I am experiencing a great "retro flashback"!

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Atari put computers in the hands of the average consumer. Having an Atari took the anxiety out of buying my first IBM based computer.


My best friend and I still have our ATARI 1040st computers too and in my opinion the ST's are an introduction to todays PC's and a great learning tool and I was able to learn to use a PC with ease thanks to the ST's.

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