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Best POKEY Music & SFX - Vote now!


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BEST MUSIC: Numen by Taquart (So catchy!)

RUNNER-UP: InvitroIO4 (Great bass!)


BEST SFX: Dropzone - Spaceman/player explosion

RUNNER-UP: Pole Position (Engine sounds)


What are your favourite POKEY musical pieces and sound effects, with runners-up if any?

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Oh, how could I have forgotten Alley Cat? That game has the most imaginative subgames, visuals and sounds I've ever experienced in any 8-bit game. The sounds especially, considering how none of them are digitised.


The best sound has to be when the cat fights with a dog at the bottom of the "outdoors" screen - the screeching sounds are just brilliant. There was also a subgame I remember (haven't found it recently though) where the cat has to negotiate several sleeping dogs in a room, and when it gets too close, the dog growls (with the best such sound effect I've ever heard).


Yep, Alley Cat is a real showcase for POKEY!

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schmutz... alley cat has really nice "real sounding"... the cat's Miau or the sound of the trash can or the wow wow of the dogs... well... which ones do you think are digitised and which are FM sounds?


I don't really know it but I guess none of them are digitized.

Bill Williams was a Pokey Wizard also his other games Salmon run and Necromancer have good sfx.

I think it would be worthwhile to disassemble Ally Cat and find out how he did the sound.

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The sounds especially, considering how none of them are digitised.

And on what do you base this extremely unlikely conclusion? There are several sound effects in that game which are very obviously digitized (most notably the water sounds in the fish-tank minigame).

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The sounds especially, considering how none of them are digitised.

And on what do you base this extremely unlikely conclusion? There are several sound effects in that game which are very obviously digitized (most notably the water sounds in the fish-tank minigame).



Schmutzy said the same thing, why don't you blame him as well?


What I mean by their not being sampled is they're not taken from outside sources like real water, etc, but use POKEY's base sounds, changing very rapidly to achieve sample-like quality - BUT they still sound artificial.


As someone else said, the person who created the SFX was a genius on the POKEY, so he must've been excellent at achieving sample-like quality without using samples as we know them.

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The sounds especially, considering how none of them are digitised.

(...) (most notably the water sounds in the fish-tank minigame).


As I am said I am not sure about all sounds but im very sure about the water sound because it sounds very similar to the one in Solmon Run and that's pure Pokey.

I wanted to know how he did this beautiful sound and I was suprised how easy it was.

Well I don't know how it worked anymore because it's about 20 years ago but I could take a look again.

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The sounds especially, considering how none of them are digitised.

And on what do you base this extremely unlikely conclusion? There are several sound effects in that game which are very obviously digitized (most notably the water sounds in the fish-tank minigame).



Schmutzy said the same thing, why don't you blame him as well?


What I mean by their not being sampled is they're not taken from outside sources like real water, etc, but use POKEY's base sounds, changing very rapidly to achieve sample-like quality - BUT they still sound artificial.


As someone else said, the person who created the SFX was a genius on the POKEY, so he must've been excellent at achieving sample-like quality without using samples as we know them.


Well i said "I don't really know it but I guess ..." but anyway it seems as if ZylonBane is used to be a little bit provocative sometimes.

Don't take it too serious.

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BEST MUSIC: Numen by Taquart (So catchy!)

RUNNER-UP: InvitroIO4 (Great bass!)


BEST SFX: Dropzone - Spaceman/player explosion

RUNNER-UP: Pole Position (Engine sounds)


What are your favourite POKEY musical pieces and sound effects, with runners-up if any?



What's InvitroIO4 (I found many Invitro demo's for download, but which one)? I'm interested to hear this. Thanks.


By the way, I was very impressed with the intro music to L.K. Avalon's Snowball (from the startup screen with the cabin & snowman). A lot of nice musical effects for one piece of music.

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For favourite tune i'd go for Zero War, s'absolute class. Favourite sound effects... Dropzone because it's just so subtle, everything joins together so neatly with the action. Just to be difficult, best overall sound to Elektraglide which had a fab soundtrack and ingame sounds working together. =-)

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For favourite tune i'd go for Zero War, s'absolute class.  Favourite sound effects...  Dropzone because it's just so subtle, everything joins together so neatly with the action.  Just to be difficult, best overall sound to Elektraglide which had a fab soundtrack and ingame sounds working together. =-)



Dropzone / Alleycat...

You are right with the genious fx of Dropzone, they give a unique "speedup" to the gameplay.

Alleycat has the advanced pokey usage and the fx fit to the ambient of the game.




Snowball (loader).... If the tune wasn't at the loader screen only, I would say it's the best game tune.

The most fun gametune : Wloczykij

Game with the best "themes" during gameplay(magic carpet ride ;) ): Master of the Lamps

Most impressive gametune(without samples): Jet Set Willy

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The sound in "Fractalus" is well-integrated into the game and seems carefully crafted. Was good sound a priority for the development team?


Being a part of the same company that produced Star Wars, we were very aware of the importance sound played in an experience and Charlie spent a lot of time getting the sound effects right. This was also one of the first games that used sound for things that happened off-screen. An important part of the game was listening carefully for the pilot's knock on the airlock door and, if you inadvertently let a Jaggi into the ship, you'd hear him tearing it apart behind you. The effect was so good that I heard people swear that their favorite part was when the Jaggi would grab you from behind--even though this never happened!


nothing more to add....

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