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PC emul's and howfendos v3.x

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Is there any version of howfendos available as ATR file for use with atari PC emul's., both the menu maker and the tape to disk transfer util


Additionally if there is an ATR version of the above available will it recognise .cas or .wav cassette images as proper tape software, when used in conjunction with the above programmes/programs or will the howfendos programs need to be modified somehow


Also, similarly for any version of transdisk (p6 and digicomm versions), Exodos, Taskmaster (very poor/crap t-d util) or the popular european t-d util 'C-SIM', (pretty much the same as howfen tape to disk, in that it can or could only handle standard long/short IRG tape format, it couldn't handle the non standard tape load like english s/w or EA type loads)... and any others i forgot to mention


happy atari'ng



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Is there any version of howfendos available as ATR file for use with atari PC emul's., both the menu maker and the tape to disk transfer util


Additionally if there is an ATR version of the above available will it recognise .cas or .wav cassette images as proper tape software, when used in conjunction with the above programmes/programs or will the howfendos programs need to be modified somehow


Also, similarly for any version of transdisk (p6 and digicomm versions), Exodos, Taskmaster (very poor/crap t-d util) or the popular european t-d util 'C-SIM', (pretty much the same as howfen tape to disk, in that it can or could only handle standard long/short IRG tape format, it couldn't handle the non standard tape load like english s/w or EA type loads)... and any others i forgot to mention


happy atari'ng





Try this. Taken from former Holme's site.




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most emus do not work well (or not at all) with both Howfen DOS and its Tape to Disk copier. Alas, I have not found any patched version of Howfen DOs or the T-D copier yet. But there is a PC program to patch the (Howfen DOS) ATR images, it is called ADIR.EXE by Jindroush (Jindrich Kubek or so)... You can find this utility on his homepage... -Andreas.

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